We all strive to live a long, healthy and fulfilling life.  Wellness is a collective process that happens throughout our lifetime.  One way to maximize the “Health Span” of your life — the number of years you live in optimal health — is to put yourself in the driver’s seat and make the best choices possible for your body and your mind at every turn.  Taking charge of your wellness gives you confidence to take on whatever comes your way and make the most of every moment of every day. Overall wellbeing starts with a healthy body.  Feeling strong and healthy will have a positive impact on how well you live.   Moving is a key to staying fit — and having the energy to stay active is important.  Find a source of energy to keep you moving through your life — protein can give you the sustainable energy you need so you can keep riding your bike uphill, hit all 18 holes on the golf course, and accept your kids’ — and grandkids’ — challenge to race them to the end of the block.    As our bodies evolve, our nutritional needs change.  Science supports our bodies needing less meat as we age.  Try integrating other protein sources into your diet, like whey protein.  Derived from cow’s milk, whey is a complete protein, and is most effective for building lean muscle and increasing strength.  Premier Protein® shakes contain whey protein, delivering all the essential amino acid building blocks your body needs to thrive.  In addition to giving you a whopping 30 grams of protein, these great tasting shakes are a good source of calcium, have 24 vitamins and minerals, only 1 gram of sugar, and are low fat. ​ ​ Maintaining a strong, healthy body makes it physically possible to accomplish everything we want to do every day.  Having a strong mind and spirit is equally important.  It gives us a sense of control and purpose, which helps us move through our life experience with vitality.  In addition to fitness and nutrition, prioritize your wellness in these areas to help you live your life to the fullest: 

Beauty: Sometimes looking good helps us feel good and gives us that little extra confidence boost we need to keep moving forward.  Eating nutrient-rich foods, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of sleep will help you look and feel your best.Brains: As we get older, we all start to experience “senior moments.”  Maximize your brain capacity by focusing on the things that are worth remembering like name of a new acquaintance or the intriguing plotline of the last book you read.  Keep your mind sharp with intellectual games and puzzles.  Grab a friend and sign up for a class.  Try or learn something new each day.Spiritual & Emotional Health:  Prioritize the activities and people that bring meaning and joy to your life.  Be true to yourself and make time for yourself.  Feed your intellect and your spirit through meditation or yoga.  Take advantage of opportunities to create memories.  Appreciate the seemingly small moments.  Smile inside and out.

Being our best throughout the span of our lifetime starts with good nutrition choices, including protein sources that give us the sustainable energy we need to thrive in everything we do, like Premier Protein®.  Celebrate the number on your birthday cake, make the most of today, and look forward to a healthier more vibrant tomorrow.