But it turns out, processed mac and cheese might not be so innocuous after all. PREVENTION PREMIUM: 9 Easy Backyard BBQ Recipes According to a recent study of various packaged cheese products, including 10 different boxed macaroni and cheeses, the bulk of processed cheese items sold in America are tainted with phthalates, a class of hormone-disrupting chemicals commonly used to soften plastics. Phthalates have been linked to a host of health problems, from thyroid disease to interference with fetal development. (Find out how to avoid food chemicals and burn fat around the clock with the naturally sweet, salty, and satisfying meals in Eat Clean, Lose Weight & Love Every Bite.) The chemical was found in all but one of the 30 samples tested, and mac and cheese made with powdered cheese contained the highest concentrations. In fact, phthalates levels were four times higher in macaroni and cheese powder than in other products, including hard and sliced cheeses. MORE: 6 FDA-Approved Food Additives You Shouldn’t Be Eating A little freaked out? That’s totally understandable. Here’s everything you need to know to stay safe—without ditching this dish altogether: First of all, how do these chemicals wind up in our food? You won’t ever see phthalates listed as an ingredient on a box of mac and cheese because it’s never deliberately added. The chemical is used to make food packaging and processing equipment like conveyor belts, so particles just naturally wind up latching on. And unfortunately for cheese lovers, phthalates bind partially well to fatty acids. Though Europe has banned many phthalates from being used in processing equipment and packaging that comes into contact with fatty foods, the FDA still allows phthalates to be used and considers them indirect food additives. MORE: Meet The 4,000 Chemicals In Your Food Packaging And what exactly are the risks? Not only have phthalates been shown to reduce testosterone production and alter thyroid function, but studies have also found they can increase the risk of diabetes by as much as 30%. Phthalates also present additional risks for pregnant women and their children. “Mounting scientific evidence links phthalates to problems with brain development. Pregnant women’s exposures to these chemicals in products and food may put their babies at higher risk for learning and developmental disabilities,” Maureen Swanson, professor of epidemiology and environmental health at UC Davis Department of Public Health Sciences, said in a statement. Looking for a new lunch idea? Try these grilled steak tacos with avocado salsa: So what’s actually safe to eat? Researchers believe that just about every packaged mac and cheese product on the market is tainted with the chemical, so your best bet is to roll up your sleeves and make a homemade batch of cheese-smothered pasta with low-fat ingredients, says Christine Palumbo, RDN, FAND, a registered dietitian based outside of Chicago. MORE: 17 Cooking Tips From Top Chefs “Since phthalates accumulate in fat, you should make your dish with low-fat dairy products such as skim milk and low-fat cheese, instead of cream, whole milk, and whole milk-based products,” Palumbo suggests. Don’t have a recipe that fits the bill? Try our go-to mac and cheese recipe made with 1% milk and reduced-fat cheddar. It calls for frozen pureed squash to add some low-fat creaminess and added nutrients. Pretty genius, no? (Psst! Don’t miss these 7 other ways to make your pasta creamy without cheese or cream.)