No pain, no gain. Go big or go home. People live by these credos. But sometimes taking your foot off the gas is healthier for you than going full throttle. According to  new research in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, lots of running may be worse for your heart and your health than a lighter jogging regimen. People who pounded pavement at a slow pace for 1 to 2.4 hours a week had lower death rates than those who ran faster and more frequently, the study found. In fact, the fast-paced, hard-core runners in the study had nearly the same mortality risk as people who didn’t run at all. Any running—slow or fast, for long distances or short ones—is a strenuous form of exercise, says study coauthor Jacob Marott, who researches heart health at Frederiksberg Hospital in Denmark. And long-term, heavy amounts of strenuous exercise may cause unhealthy structural changes to your heart and large arteries. These changes may help explain the greater mortality rates among the serious runners, Marott says. (This is not the first study to link lots of exercise to higher mortality rates.) Physical activity is unquestionably good for your health. But when it comes to running, going at an easy pace for 20 to 45 minutes three days a week is ideal for your long-term health, the study data show. Here are 5 other times you’re better off taking it easy: When it comes to dieting There are countless cleansing or detoxifying products and plans that claim to “flush” your system of harmful contaminants. That sounds great. But there’s one problem: “In terms of dieting, weight loss, and your health, there’s no hard science backing these cleansing or detox approaches,” says Joy Dubost, PhD, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. On the other hand, there is research showing these types of extremely restrictive diets may be damaging. One study of various colon cleanses found side effects ranging from cramping and vomiting to major electrolyte imbalances and renal failure. Skip the extreme diets in favor of eating a wide range of healthy foods.  MORE: This Is What A Perfect Day Of Eating Looks Like When your reach for probiotics Strains of these helpful gut organisms have been linked with improved digestion, a healthier immune system, and even a sharper brain. But while study after study shows the potential benefits of probiotics, a few have also highlighted the possible risks. New research from the University of Texas suggests adding lots of different probiotic organisms to your diet might actually reduce the number of helpful critters in your gut, and national health organizations also aren’t sold. “It [may be] possible to take too many probiotics or mix them in inappropriate ways,” states to a report on probiotics from the American Gastroenterological Association. So while probiotics may be a big part of smart dieting down the road, mainlining every probiotic source and supplement you can get your hands on may be risky.  At the bar Photo by Ansel Olson/Getty Images Lots of research has linked heavy drinking to major health issues, from heart disease to cancer. But adopting a zero alcohol policy isn’t necessarily your healthiest course of action, as a growing pile of evidence has linked light or moderate drinking to a longer life and a healthier heart: People who swallow 6 or fewer drinks a week lower their risk of death from heart disease by 29%, shows a recent study from the Journal of Aging Research. That doesn’t mean you should start drinking to protect your heart, the authors say. But if you enjoy alcohol, having a glass of wine or cocktail now and then may be healthier for you than total abstinence, the research indicates. In bed You know the perils of too little sleep (check outthis handy infographic for a refresher). But an overabundance of zzzs may also be hazardous. Research from the University of California, San Diego linked regularly sleeping more than 8 hours a night to higher mortality rates. Similar studies have linked 10 or more hours of sack time to memory problems, heart disease, and diabetes. While the mechanisms tying too much sleep to these health conditions is foggy, it’s likely that poor sleep quality and other underlying health conditions are to blame for your massive amounts of shut-eye. If you’re regularly sleeping 9 hours or more, that may be cause for concern. MORE: 7 Ways To Fall Back Asleep In 10 Minutes Or Less At the coffee machine Studies show coffee is a good source of healthy antioxidants—not to mention caffeine; everyone’s favorite stimulant has been linked to lower rates of depression, stroke, and some cancers. But while you can safely enjoy several cups of joe a day, you can definitely overdo it. One Mayo Clinic study found adults who drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day suffered a 56% jump in risk of death from all causes. While black coffee—not java loaded with sugar and cream—appears to be a healthy addition to your diet, if you’re having problems sleeping or you can feel your heart racing in your chest, you’re overdoing, the Mayo study authors say. MORE: This Is Your Body On Coffee (Infographic)