MORE: 11 Celebrity Yoga Secrets  Pretend you’re a ninja as you move through this sequence from The Women’s Health Big Book of Yoga by pro yogi Kathryn Budig, and you’ll get through it in no time—strong, calm, quiet, and slick! The goal here isn’t to see how many reps you can pump out in a short amount of time. Take the time to breathe and make your movements thoughtful and precise. Complete the sequence twice a week, and you’ll be rocking your two-piece in no time. Simple Spinal Twist Lie on your back and hug both of your knees to your chest. Open your arms wide, palms up, keep your knees bent and together, and drop your legs to your right side. Push your left shoulder down as you elongate your lower back and turn your head slightly to the left. Return to the center and repeat on the opposite side. Tiny Little Package Lie on your back and draw both knees to your chest. Grab your shins, pulling your legs tight to your chest, and draw your forehead or even nose toward your knees so that your head leaves the ground. Relax your shoulders. Lower Belly Lifts Lie flat on your back with your legs straight up in the air. Rest your arms at your sides, palms down, and relax your shoulders. Exhale as you lift your hips a few inches off the ground. Inhale as you lower back down. Windshield Wiper Abs Lie flat on your back with your legs straight up in the air. Rest your arms straight out to your sides on the ground so that your palms are facing down and are in line with your shoulders. Exhale and keep your legs straight and together as you lower your legs toward one side, reaching your feet toward your hand. Inhale to come back up to center, and then switch sides. Cross your ankles for extra support to keep your legs straight, focus on squeezing your upper, inner thighs together to activate adductors. Boat With Bent Knees Into Half Boat Sit on the ground with your knees bent. Keeping your spine long, lean back just far enough so that your feet float off the ground. Keep your knees bent and legs pressed together as you lift your shins parallel to the floor. Extend your arms forward and parallel to the ground. Stay balanced on the tripod of your tailbone and sit bones, chest lifted and gaze forward. Hold for 5 breaths, and repeat 5 times. Fingertip Abs Lie flat on your back with your legs straight up in the air. Keep your right leg up and lower your left leg until it hovers above the ground. As you exhale, curl your head and chest off the ground and extend your arms forward. Hold this position or, if possible, join your fingertips together in front of your right hamstring. Repeat with the opposite leg. Twisted Lowering Abs Lie flat on your back with your legs straight up in the air. Keep your right leg up and, keeping your left leg straight, lower it until it hovers above the ground. As you exhale, curl your head and chest off the ground and extend your arms to the outside of your right thigh, interlacing your fingers. Exhale as you hold your twist and lower your top leg to meet your bottom leg. Inhale as you lift your right leg back up to its original position. Switch legs and repeat. Bridge Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Lift your hips off the floor enough to interlace your fingers beneath your lower back. Place your shoulders under your chest and press into your feet to lift your hips up as high as your knees. Keep a slight lift in your chin and allow your bottom to be soft. Your knees should stay in line with your hips as you rotate your inner upper thighs downward to broaden your lower back. MORE: 5 Awesome Free Yoga Videos  Corpse (Savasana) Lie on your back. Let your legs and arms flop open with your palms facing up. Lift your chest to snuggle your shoulder blades down your back. Release all tension in your body. Close your eyes (or even better, cover them with a cloth) and bring your breathing back to normal. Empty your mind. Take a rest. The article “9 Yoga Moves For Better Abs” was adapted from 20 Pounds Younger by Michele Promaulayko and originally ran on