That’s why Lentz created the HeavyWeight Yoga method, which she describes as yoga for those carrying some extra weight. She started practicing yoga in her 20s as a new mom with some baby weight to lose. But by the time she started training to become a yoga teacher, 30-some years later, she was the heaviest person in the class. As she was learning to teach each pose, she had to figure out how to adapt it to her own body, and those same modifications are the ones she uses for her students. For example, forward folds can be hard when you’ve got curves, says Lentz. It can also be difficult to put weight on your hands and knees—or even get down on the floor and back up—when you’re carrying a few extra pounds. “But every pose can be modified so that it works for your body,” says Lentz. “No matter your size or shape, there’s going to be a way to make the pose work for you.” And it’s not just the ridiculous amount of mind-body benefits that propel Lentz to come to her mat almost daily. After struggling with body image for years, Lentz says yoga has helped her to love and respect her body for its “flaws” and all. And that’s why she wants women to try yoga at any age and any size—not to change their bodies, but to change how they feel about themselves. “People come to the yoga mat thinking it’s all about the physical,” she says. “But it’s also about the deeper sense of well-being you carry with yourself everywhere you go.” Give these simple poses a try. No matter your size, you’ll feel healthier, happier, and more energized. And that’s what yoga’s all about, right? MORE: 3 Yoga Poses To Help You Sleep Downward-Facing Dog Modifications Weight-bearing poses like Downward-Facing Dog can be hard when you’re carrying some extra weight. So instead of struggling through the standard posture, try one of these 3 variations. No matter which one you choose, you’ll still get an amazing stretch for the shoulders, back, and legs.

  1. Try it at the wallStand facing a wall or closed door, feet hip-width apart and arms extended at shoulder height in front of you, palms planted against the wall. Press into the wall and lower your torso so that it’s parallel to the floor, keeping your back flat. “In order to really get into this pose’s signature L-shape, you may need to walk your hands a little farther down the wall and step your feet back slightly,” says Lentz. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Instead of making the traditional upside down “V” with your body (as you would if you were doing the standard posture on the floor), you’ll be making an “L-shape” at the wall. 
  2. Try it on a chair As a midpoint between the wall and the floor, try Lentz’ variation that incorporates a yoga strap for extra support and an added stretch. First, loop the strap around a strong anchor, like a doorknob. Next, tie the ends of the strap together to create a big loop. Stand inside of the loop facing away from the anchor point, feet hip-width apart. Lean forward and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the seat of a chair. Think about lifting your hips up toward the ceiling and pressing your armpits back toward your hips. Try to keep your upper back flat. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
  3. Try it on the floorAnother option is to do this pose on the floor with the help of two yoga blocks and a blanket or towel. Begin on all fours, knees hip-width apart and resting on a rolled-up blanket or towel. Walk your hands one palm-print forward and place each hand on a yoga block. Instead of straightening your legs, keep your knees resting on the blanket and lengthen through your arms and spine as you press your hips back, feeling a nice stretch in your upper back. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Forward Fold ModificationsForward folds can be a challenge when you’ve got curves, says Lentz. Her solution? If you stand with your legs farther apart, you’ll create more room for your belly and chest, and really feel that stretch in the backs of your legs. Try these 2 modifications:

  1. Try it seated For any seated forward folds, Lentz likes to create a seated Belly Well to make space for the belly and breasts so the low back stretch can deepen. Sit about half-way forward on your chair, feet wide and planted firmly on the floor with toes slightly flared out for comfort. Place your hands on thighs. First, lift up out of the low back and then begin to roll forward as you hinge at your hips, leading with your heart center, bringing your torso parallel to the floor. Allow your neck and head to relax. Hold for a several breaths. “When you’re ready to come out of the pose, gently roll up by walking your hands up the legs and thighs to support the lift back to seated. Your head should come up last,” says Lentz.
  2. Try it standing Stand tall with your legs wider than shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips. Inhale, then exhale as you hinge forward at the hips, keeping your spine nice and long. Place your palms on the floor and relax your head and neck. If your hands don’t reach the floor, place them on yoga blocks, a chair seat, or just rest them on your thighs. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.  You can also use this pose as a transition to help you get down to the floor for other postures, says Lentz. After hinging forward, bring one knee down to the floor, then the other. Chair Pose Modification Holding your arms upright in Chair is a challenge for all beginners, says Lentz. Adding some stability to your lower half and bringing the arms to a more comfortable position is going to make this pose doable at any size, without sacrificing the benefits of this pose. Try it  Standing with your feet slightly apart, place a block or a pillow between your knees or thighs for support. Bend your knees as you sit back into your hips like you’re sitting into a chair, and instead of raising your arms above your head, stretch them out in front of you at shoulder height. Press your palms down or, for added support, interlace your fingers. Your upper body should be leaning forward slightly. Squeeze the block or pillow with your inner thighs and think about pulling your belly in and up, away from the tops of your thighs. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Press into your feet, then slowly stand back up. Warrior I Modification When you’re carrying some extra weight, balancing your body in Warrior I is really tricky, says Lentz. After realizing that her students couldn’t hold the classic stance, where the front heel is in line with the arch of the back foot, Lentz decided to try widening their stance, creating a wider base with the feet. She also suggests keeping the back heel lifted slightly. Try it Stand facing the front of your mat, with your feet mat-with apart and arms by your sides. Pay careful attention to your body as you step your right foot about 4 to 5 feet in front of you. You can turn your left toes in, toward the right, at about a 45-degree angle, or keep that foot facing forward and lift the heel slightly. Rotate your hips and torso so they face the front of your mat. Inhale as you lift both arms up over your head, palms facing each other. If your arms get tired before your legs do, hold the pose but lower your hands back down to your hips. MORE: Try This Calming Pre-Bed Yoga Pose Pigeon Pose ModificationA lot of people who struggle with their weight also facejoint problems, especially in their hips and knees, says Lentz, who had to find a way to practice this pose with arthritis and a hip replacement. “It can make a weight-bearing stretch like Pigeon uncomfortable—or even downright impossible,” says Lentz. Make it easier by taking the pose onto your back, which is still a great way to open your hips without putting your joints at risk. Try it Lie down on the floor, legs straight out in front of you and hands by your side. As you point your right foot and press the right leg into the mat, lift your left foot across your body so that it’s touching your right thigh. Cradle the left foot and knee with your hands, or place a yoga strap around the left foot and low thigh. Draw the left shin toward your chest, but not all the way to your shoulder. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Release and repeat on the other side.

Legs Up The Wall Modification Inversions—poses where your head is below your heart—have a lot of great benefits (improved circulation and stress relief, to name a few), but many of these poses are challenging for beginners. “It’s really not a good idea to rest a large amount of weight on your neck in a pose like Headstand or Shoulder Stand,” says Lentz. “But Legs Up the Wall is a gentle alternative; it gives you the benefits of the inversion without the risks.” (However, if you have high blood pressure, check with your doctor first.)

  1. Try it at the wall Sit on the floor with one side of your body grazing a wall. Slowly swing your legs up against the wall and slowly lower your back and head to the floor, keeping your legs straight. (“As you rotate your legs up, keep your hips against the wall and try to avoid scooting your butt closer—it’s better to bring the legs back down and start over than to keep trying to adjust yourself,” says Lentz.) Allow your hands to fall out to sides, palms facing up. Breathe deeply, relaxing into the pose. Hold for 1 to 5 minutes.
  2. Try it with a chair  If Legs Up the Wall is too difficult at first, try Legs Up the Chair: Wrap your yoga strap through the front two legs of the chair. Sit Slowly bring your torso to rest on the floor and lift your legs onto the seat of the chair lift your legs on to its seat, and slowly bring your torso to rest on the and pull the chair toward you with the strap. Hold for up to 1 minute. Tree Pose Modification Balance poses bring a challenge to everyone, regardless of body shape, says Lentz. If placing the sole of the foot on the inside of the opposite leg’s inner thigh or calf is just not happening for you, try this Training Wheel Toe variation. “Balance poses have a tendency to bring out your judgmental voice,” says Lentz.  “This is a great time to practice talking to yourself with warmth, compassion, and enthusiasm for your energy and effort.” Try it  From standing, shift your weight slightly onto your left foot. Lift your right heel and place it right above your left ankle, keeping your right toes on the floor and allowing your right knee to open out to the side. Experiment with arm position. Extend your arms overhead or bring your palms together in front your chest. Keep your gaze focused on a steady point, stay lifted through the spine and engage your abdominals. If you feel like you’re ready for the next step, try bringing your right heel to your left calf. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Repeat on the opposite side. MORE: 5 Ways To Love Yourself