In one study, 62 men between the ages of 65 and 75 were put through a 24-week strength-training routine. They did exercises like chest and leg presses, crunches, and leg curls for 2 sets of 8 reps each, 3 times per week. One group lifted at a moderate intensity, or half of their one-rep max (the maximum amount they could lift in one contraction), while the other lifted at a high intensity, or 80% of their one-rep max. MORE: 11 Brain-Boosting Smoothies Before and at the end of the study, they were tested on their concentration skills, short-term memory, and long-term memory, and they were also asked questions about their mood and quality of life. Both the moderate- and high-intensity exercise groups significantly improved their scores on the neurological tests and reported higher qualities of life; the control group, which had done a stretching routine instead of strength training, hadn’t improved at all. The exercise groups also showed much higher levels of the protein IGF-1, a growth factor that promotes the survival of brain neurons. Another recent study involving 25 men and women in their 60s and 70s showed that strength training twice a week for 6 weeks can significantly improve spatial awareness and reaction time—two of the most important cognitive skills for preventing age-related accidents like falling. Both skills have been shown to decline in the early stages of dementia. So what’s the connection between resistance exercise and your brain? Researchers have a few different theories: Some think it’s because strength training increases the blood flow to your brain, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to your nervous system. Others point to higher levels of the brain-boosting IGF-1. Or, it could be because resistance exercise increases your mood, and past research has shown us that for older adults, a better mood is linked with better cognitive performance. Regardless, it’s definitely time to grab some weights. Here are 3 moves to get you started. MORE: The Snack That Makes You Smarter