Happily, scientists have been asking the same question—and churning out answers, from dietary strategies to new takes on old standbys, like ice and compression. The latest attention-grabbing option: IV hydration therapy—consuming fluid intravenously (yes, via needle) before or after a workout to avoid dehydration, prevent cramping, and promote faster recovery. Some pro athletes and even weekend warriors swear the drip helps them bounce back more quickly, but a recent review of the sparse medical literature on it by researchers at Riverside Methodist Sports Medicine concluded that it’s probably no better than ingesting fluid the old-fashioned way and “cannot be recommended for the majority of athletes.” So, what really works—and what doesn’t—when it comes to minimizing that “gotcha!” ache that sets in 24 to 48 hours later? Here are 10 surprising recovery mistakes that could be setting you up for big-time pain. Mistake #1: You’re still icing regularly. Remember RICE—rest, ice, compression, elevation—the go-to treatment for exercise injuries? Well, forget the “I”—or at least re-think it when it comes to delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMs), says Gabe Mirkin, the MD who coined the term in 1978. “Cooling diminishes inflammation, but in doing so it interferes with muscle repair that helps you build more lean mass and become stronger,” he says. Still, if you’re in a lot of pain, ice can minimize some of the discomfort, and using it really only delays healing for half a day—so after a super hard session it might be worth it. The options: immerse in an ice bath for 10 minutes or check out one of the new cryotherapy chambers. For a chilly 2 or 3 minutes ($45 to $65), you’re enclosed (except your head and neck) in a liquid-nitrogen-filled chamber with an ambient temp of 166 to 240° below 0. MORE: 5 Essential Strength-Training Moves Every Woman Needs Mistake #2: You pop pain relievers like candy.ibuprofen The ice advice goes double for ibuprofen, says Mirkin. “It delays muscle healing by 6 or 8 hours by blocking inflammation—so take it only if you’re really sore,” he says. Need more convincing? A study several years ago of endurance runners who are habitual users found that they were just as sore after the race as competitors who had not taken ibuprofen. Mistake #3: You’re still not foam rolling. Researchers at Memorial University in Newfoundland have done four studies on using a foam roller after exercise and found that it not only increases joint range of motion but also reduces muscle soreness and speeds muscle recovery. The best way to use a foam roller is to sit or lie on it so it’s positioned underneath the muscle you want to target, allowing the weight of your body to apply the pressure for 30 to 60 seconds. Hit each muscle group—calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, back and shoulders, as well as the iliotibial band, a thick band of fascia running from the hip to just below the knee on the outside of the leg—and focus particularly on the areas where you’re extra sore. The pressure should be uncomfortable, not painful. If it hurts too much, opt for one of the hand-held rolling massagers, like The Stick or the Moji 360, so you can control the pressure. If you feel like splurging, a study in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation found that massage—a hands-on version of foam rolling—is also beneficial for reducing post-workout soreness. (Get started with these 5 foam-rolling exercises.) Mistake #4: You’re missing the big squeeze.British Journal of Sports Medicine Compression—the “C” in RICE—works well, says Mirkin, because it minimizes swelling and fluid build-up that can actually delay healing. The latest options: pneumatic compression—inflatable sleeves worn on the arms or legs that apply pulsating pressure, via an electric pump. The 360-degree limb massage helps clear blood lactate (which contributes to fatigue) following anaerobic exercise, according to a 2013 study. Earlier research showed the device reduced swelling, pain, stiffness, and DOMS. Low-end devices cost around $50; high-end gadgets will set you back about $1500. Or, you could try wearing compression garments. Studies show the ultra-snug workout shirts, shorts, socks, and tights probably don’t help with endurance like they claim to, but they might speed recovery, according to a 2014 review in the . Several studies have found they’re particularly helpful for fending off DOMS. If you don’t want to sit around in sweaty shorts for three hours after your workout, just put them on after you shower. MORE: Best Food Combos To Eat Before Every Type Of Workout Mistake #5: You still need to warm up to warming up. A study published a couple of years ago in The Journal of Human Kinetics had 36 untrained people do a series of lunges while holding barbells. Some warmed up beforehand by pedaling a stationary bike at an easy pace. Others didn’t warm up but cooled down with the same cycling routine. A third group just did the lunges. The next day, the muscles of the volunteers who had warmed up had the least muscle pain—possibly because gearing up slowly reduces the likelihood of overtaxing, or even pulling, muscles, says Mirkin. Interestingly, the study also revealed that there was no benefit to cooling down. Oh, and by the way, stretching, whether before or after exercise, doesn’t seem to help with DOMS, either, according to a review of studies by the Cochrane group. Mistake #6: You’re not refueling fast enough. Because exercise breaks down muscles, you need to start rebuilding healthy tissue, STAT. The best way to do it: Within an hour of your workout, have a protein/carb snack. Protein contains amino acids, the building blocks of muscle (shoot for 10 to 20 grams), and carbs provide energy for the repair process (aim for 20 to 30 grams). Chocolate milk became the recovery-food darling a few years ago, because it contains a healthy balance of protein and carbs (and other good-for-you minerals like calcium, to boot). It’s a solid choice, says Neil Johannsen, assistant professor adjunct at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but not a magic elixir. Any lean sources, like a few ounces of chicken or egg whites or Greek yogurt, will work, along with whole wheat bread or fruit. Just watch the calories. (Try one of these 10 perfect post-workout smoothies.) Mistake #7: You keep forgetting that water is your BFF. Dehydration is a key contributor to post-workout fatigue, says Johannsen. To prevent it, follow the American College of Sports Medicine’s guidelines: Drink 16 to 20 ounces of water 4 hours before exercise and another 8 to 12 about 10 minutes before. If you’re exercising for less than an hour, down 3 to 8 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes; if you’re going longer, swap water for a sports beverage. After exercise, check to color of your urine to see if you need to top off further. If it’s darker than a Post-It, you do. MORE: 7 Things Your Urine Says About You Mistake #8: You’re all about chicken. If workouts tend to leave your muscles sore and cranky, consider refueling with fish. In a recent study, participants taking a daily 400mg fish oil supplement—about the amount in a 1.5-ounce serving of salmon—reported less muscle soreness and tenderness than those popping a placebo. “The omega-3 fatty acids can help keep your heart healthy, and they can keep your muscles in good shape, too,” says Jordon Metzl, a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NY. Mistake #9: You head straight to the couch. Sure, the sofa looks inviting after a hard workout, but going for a stroll around the block or an easy spin on your bike later in the day (or even the day after) might be just what the doctor ordered. A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research compared the effects of easy exercise with massage to see which did a better job of relieving DOMS and found they were equally effective—possibly because they both improve circulation and promote the transport of healing nutrients into muscles. MORE: 10 Weird Things That Affect Your Workout Mistake #10: You overdue it on the cocktails. While a glass of wine or two probably won’t hurt, Australian researchers recently reported that heavy drinking (6 screwdrivers in 3 hours) decreased muscle protein synthesis by 37%, leaving muscles unable to repair and rebuild as effectively. Something to keep in mind if you’re working out before going out.