Those same healthy eaters often end up at sit-down restaurants, where everything is freshly cooked and there’s always salad on the menu–obviously healthier, right? Wrong. After reviewing eight years of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a researcher at the University of Illinois found that your fancy, sit-down restaurant meal is just as bad for you as grabbing dinner at the drive-thru.  MORE: Three Surprising Ways to Trick Yourself into Eating Less Surprised? You’re not the only one: “I wouldn’t say it’s surprising to see that the total amount of saturated fat and cholesterol we eat is higher when we eat out,” says Ruopeng An, lead author of the study. “But what was surprising was that when people ate at restaurants, they consumed more sodium and about the same amount of saturated fat and cholesterol as when they eat fast food.”   They also eat about 200 extra calories. But the biggest twist? Taking the same restaurant meal home instead of dining in makes it nutritionally comparable to a homemade meal. No, stepping foot outside the restaurant doesn’t magically transform your dinner into health food. It’s all about the environment: “If you want to take food home you’re probably in a hurry and want a quick dinner,” says An. “So you’re less likely to overeat.” But dining in with friends or family means you sit longer, talk longer, and wind up eating more. MORE: How Much Sugar Are You Really Eating Everyday? Still, unless you want to end up a social leper, you’ll find yourself at a restaurant every once in a while. And when you do, the night doesn’t have to be a total wash. Follow these 10 tips from Rochelle Sirota, RD, a nutritionist in New York City, to make sure your restaurant meal is as close as possible to the healthy meal you would have made at home.

  1. Request dressings and sauces on the side to control how much or little you use.2. Ask if a menu item labeled “crispy” is fried, and if so, ask that it be baked, steamed, broiled, poached, roasted, or grilled instead.3. Consider ordering an appetizer and a salad instead of a full meal or sharing an entree with friend.4. Ask that half your meal be wrapped to go before you begin eating.5. Ask that the bread basket not be brought to the table and order crudité to start. MORE: Are Calorie Counts on Booze Coming Soon?
  2. Don’t drink your calories. Opt for herbal tea, iced herbal tea, or sparkling water with lemon or lime.7. If you absolutely need alcohol, choose low-sugar drinks like dry wine or a wine spritzer.8. Pass on sugary desserts. Choose refreshing seasonal fruit, like berries or melon, instead.9. Check the restaurant’s website for nutrition information before you go, and call ahead if you have questions about choosing healthy menu options. If nothing on the menu works, make a special request for a healthier dish.10. Don’t show up to dinner ravenous. Eat a light, nutrient-dense late afternoon snack to avoid overeating while out with friends.