Vaginal itching causes

In most cases, itching of the vagina and vulva (the outer part of the genitalia) isn’t a cause for major concern—it can be as simple as skin irritations or allergies that clear up on their own if irritants are removed, according to the Cleveland Clinic. However, one important thing to note is that a healthy vagina and vulva shouldn’t be itchy too often. “The vagina is a self-cleaning oven,” says Audra Williams M.D., assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Alabama in Birmingham School of Medicine. “It really takes care of itself. It’s got natural bacteria that keep a balance in the vagina, and so when that balance is disrupted, it can tip toward being itchier or having more discharge.”
Itchy genitals can be a symptom of many conditions. Here are six of the most common and how to treat them.

Yeast Infection

“One of the most common problems women typically jump to when they have itching is a vaginal yeast infection,” says Dr. Williams. After all, the majority of women—about 75%—will experience at least one during their lifetime. A yeast infection is exactly what it sounds like: there’s yeast growing in your vagina where it shouldn’t be, which can cause a lot of discomfort. “It’s a living organism that causes the infection,” says Dr. Williams. “This causes an inflammation of the vaginal tissue, which is what causes all the symptoms.” Aside from itching, other yeast infection symptoms include having a thick, white, curd-like discharge and experiencing a burning sensation when you pee. Luckily, there are plenty of over-the-counter treatments for yeast infections (like Monistat) that can be taken as a vaginal cream or suppository. The key here is paying attention to whether the treatment is actually working. “If symptoms do not resolve after initial treatment, it is important to see a doctor,” advises Jill Krapf, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN at the Center for Vulvovaginal Disorders in Washington.

Bacterial Vaginosis

“This sounds a lot scarier than it is because bacterial vaginosis isn’t truly an infection,” says Dr. Williams. “It happens when the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina gets thrown off, so there’s an overgrowth of a certain type of bacteria that causes all the symptoms,” she explains. In addition to itching, bacterial vaginosis often presents other classic symptoms like a thin, watery discharge with a fishy odor. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, see your doctor right away so they can prescribe an antibiotic that will help restore a healthy balance. Some people also find that probiotic supplements or having yogurts with increased cultures can be helpful, Dr. Williams says. Dietary supplements are products intended to supplement the diet. They are not medicines and are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure diseases. Be cautious about taking dietary supplements if you are pregnant or nursing. Also, be careful about giving supplements to a child, unless recommended by their healthcare provider.


If you have some itching, but you’re not experiencing any symptoms associated with a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, it might be worth asking: What have I changed in my hygiene or clothing routine lately? Product changes can cause a condition called contact dermatitis, where your skin reacts to an allergen or irritant it doesn’t agree with, like a new soap, lotion, dye, detergent, or even a sanitary pad. “Some women are just more sensitive to scented or dyed products and will actually have an allergic reaction,” says Dr. Williams. “Other times, they’re not necessarily allergic to a specific thing, but it can cause a certain amount of irritation.” So rather than it being an infection or imbalance in your vaginal bacteria, your itching could be caused solely by exposure to something it doesn’t like. If you’re able to pinpoint a new item in your routine that could be causing the itching, stop using it right away and see if the problem clears up. But if you can’t think of any changes, just make sure you’re avoiding any scented products or synthetic fabrics. “Just using plain, unscented Dove soap is a good go-to you can use to try to avoid any dyes or other scented products,” advises Dr. Williams. “If you’re wearing underwear when you sleep, make sure they’re 100% cotton. That allows more breathability to the vagina. I always tell patients try not to sleep in underwear.” Another major no-no? Using latex condoms or personal lubricants if you’re experiencing a reaction to those during intercourse, warns Dr. Krapf. Instead, try non-latex condoms or condoms that don’t contain lubricants or spermicides.

Skin Diseases

“Certain dermatological conditions can cause the vulva to be irritable due to having collagen in the skin disrupted and causing symptoms such as itching and pain,” says Jessica Shepherd M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN and medical advisor for Happy V. Skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis can all be culprits behind your vaginal itching, according to the Cleveland Clinic. This requires the help of a medical professional to figure out precisely what skin condition it is and how to treat it properly.


If you’re approaching or are at menopausal age—the average age is 51, according to the North American Menopause Society (NAMS)—your vaginal itching could be a symptom of hormonal changes. “After menopause, the hormonal changes you experience can cause vaginal dryness and thinning of the skin, which is called vaginal atrophy,” says Dr. Krapf. To help with vaginal atrophy, you can try an over-the-counter vaginal moisturizer, which comes in both cream and suppository forms. Or, if you’re just experiencing dryness or itching during or after sex, “you can use coconut oil or another natural lubricant during sex to help curb some of those symptoms,” says Dr. Krapf.

Improper Hygiene

Not practicing proper daily hygiene can also lead to itching. “This can occur due to working out, swimming, and/or hot weather. The trapping of moisture happens when you do not change out of wet, damp clothing frequently. You can prevent this from happening by wearing clothing that is breathable and changing out of damp clothing immediately after working out, swimming, or being in hot weather,” says Dr. Shepherd. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone frequently wash parts of their body and hair with soap and clean, running water (if available). Good body washing practices can prevent the spread of hygiene-related diseases.

Vaginal itching treatments

If you’re looking for ways to get some fast itch and pain relief right at home, there are a few things you can do. Below find expert-approved vaginal itching home remedies from Dr. Shepherd and the Cleveland Clinic.

Use warm water and soaps that do not contain heavy chemicals or perfumes.Wear cotton underwear to help airflow through to the vaginal region.Keep the vagina area as dry as possible.After urination or bowel movements, wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from the anus (rectum) from entering into your vagina.Avoid trauma to the area, such as excessive shaving and scratching.Eat a well-balanced diet to maintain healthy bacteria in the vagina.

When to see a doctor about vaginal itching

Even if you think you might know the cause of the itch, “it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor so you can treat it accordingly,” says Dr.Krapf. It’s also crucial that if your symptoms don’t improve with treatment, you see your doctor again. Persistent vaginal itching that doesn’t improve could be a sign of vulvar cancer. While this form of cancer is rare, vaginal itching is a common symptom. The most important thing to remember, regardless of what’s causing your discomfort, is that there are solutions no matter what the root cause is. “It’s important for women to know that they don’t have to sit there and struggle,” says Dr. Williams. “[Doctors] are there to help.”