“Being displaced from your home is a major stressor and stress reactions are very common,” says Valerie Cole, PhD, manager of disaster mental health services for the Red Cross. “It can leave people emotionally and cognitively confused. Some have physical reactions, such as headaches and stomachaches. Chronic health issues may be exacerbated. Some act out, through withdrawal or anger.” Cole points out that, although disasters may seem as if they come on suddenly, in fact, people often have time to prepare. Hurricanes are usually predicted well in advance, floods can be anticipated, and if you live in an area prone to tornadoes or wildfires, you at least know that there is a risk. Anticipating and preparing for these events is the key to surviving them with your sanity intact, because you feel more in control and less at the whim of the winds. Cole suggests:  Rehearse. Think about how you’ll react to a disaster, what you’ll do, and the best steps to take. Talk yourself through it before it ever happens.  Keep a bag packed. It should include a change of clothes, a couple days’ of medicine, a list of medications and a list of important phone numbers. Even if you have them memorized, you may blank out in the stress of the moment once you get to the shelter. Have one thing packed that you feel will help you cope with new surroundings.  Have a family unification plan. Everyone should plan to call and check in with an out-of-town relative. Although local cell towers may be down, those in other areas will be working. Aunt Sally in another city can keep track of everyone and send out updates.  Get out quickly. People who evacuate sooner rather than later tend to recover more quickly than those who stay longer and may be exposed to the risk of injury or death.  And if you’re just watching a disaster unfold on television, Cole has advice for you too. She says that recovery is highly dependent upon social and community support. Those who feel that they’re not forgotten and that the world is watching and cheering them on have a renewed sense of purpose and strength, so don’t be afraid to reach out and say you care.  More from Prevention: 13 Foods That Fight Stress  Reduce Stress With These 2-Minute Solutions