GMO Free USA, a national advocacy group, recently announced that Frito Lay’s SunChips tested positive for glyphosate, a popular weed-killing chemical and the active ingredient in Roundup. The testing also revealed the chips contained genetically engineered ingredients. (GE technology often relies on heavy applications of glyphosate on food crops, and the chemical winds up in the food you eat.) The public advocacy group, whose mission is to harness independent science and agroecological concepts to advocate for sustainable food and ecological systems, found that a quantitative test verified by DNA analysis discovered that 100 percent of the corn in the SunChips came from GMO sources, containing DNA sequences known to be present in insecticide-producing Bt and Roundup Ready corn. Roundup, the chemical often sprayed on GMOs, has been linked to certain cancers, including lymphoma, and to DNA damage, premature births, birth defects, and ADHD, according to previous research. Previously, Warren Porter, PhD, professor of environmental toxicity and zoology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, analyzed data on GMOs and public health and found major cause for concern. GMOs could alter endocrine-mediated pathways, leading to obesity, heart problems, circulation issues, and diabetes. MORE: 7 GMO Myths Busted So how can you protect yourself from GMOs? Jessica Alba, author of The Honest Life, writes, “The health consequences of GMOs are largely unknown, but they’ve been banned throughout Europe. Personally, I’d rather be safe than sorry. She adds: “GMOs are not allowed in organic food, so if you’re eating mostly organic, you’re already limiting your exposure.” Pepsico, the owner of Frito-Lay, was not reachable for comment on this story. MORE: 11 Surprising Benefits of Organic