“We recognize that farm animals play an important role in providing nutritious meat, dairy and eggs to our customers and members,” Walmart said in a press release. “We believe that farm animals in our supply chain should be treated humanely throughout their lives and that the welfare of farm animals should be considered in selection of all production systems, practices and technologies.” The five freedoms, established by the British Farm Animal Welfare Council, define ideal conditions for the livestock industry, and include:  #1. Freedom from hunger or thirst by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor. #2. Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area. #3. Freedom from pain, injury, or disease by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment. #4. Freedom to express normal behavior by providing sufficient space, proper facilities, and company of the animal’s own kind. #5. Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering. To uphold these principles, Walmart will work with suppliers to ensure that animals have access to food and water, adequate shelter and resting areas, preventative measures against disease or rapid treatment, and adequate space for living and socializing. Walmart has also said it will not tolerate any animal abuse. MORE: Retail Giants Team Up for Sustainability In addition to asking suppliers to uphold these five freedoms, Walmart is targeting some especially troubling practices, including confined spaces (like gestation crates, veal crates, and hen battery cages); tail docking, dehorning, or castration without pain management; and painful slaughter. The company is also asking suppliers to increase transparency to ensure that this happens. While there’s no official mandate or timeline for Walmart’s suppliers, given Walmart’s size and clout, we’re optimistic that this could have industry-wide impacts. MORE: 9 Positive Signs Big Companies Are Listening Walmart is joining the ranks of several other huge food companies to make an announcement that could have major implications for the rest of the food industry. For instance, when McDonald’s announced that it would no longer sell chicken produced with medically important antibiotics, Tyson soon after declared that it would stop using human antibiotics in its chicken production. Aramark, a major food-service company, has also recently announced that it will be implementing more humane measures in its food production. This article The New Move Walmart’s Making For Animals’originally ran on RodaleNews.com.