“Take a deep breath,” your doctor tells you. “This won’t hurt a bit.”  Yeah, right! The needles, the tongue depressors, the freaky beeping machines—you’re surrounded by reminders of the pain that can accompany a trip to the doctor’s office.  But a visit to the doctor, despite any necessary discomfort, can be much more bearable. That’s according to a small new study out of Michigan State University, which concludes that finding the right doc makes all the difference.  Investigators followed female patients through their medical appointments, with each patient undergoing one of two different meetings with a doctor prior to any procedures. During both varieties of meetings, doctors asked for background information and outlined the upcoming procedure. But in the first meeting, doctors focused on the wellbeing of the patient, by asking her how she felt, listening to her responses, and assuaging any concerns. Participants in the other group, however, underwent a much more impersonal interview, featuring less eye contact and fewer expressions of empathy or in-depth questions. Patients were then scanned by an fMRI while being exposed to a small but painful electric current (approximately as unpleasant as having blood drawn). During these uncomfortable moments, they were shown photographs of the doctor who’d met with them prior to the procedure, as well as photographs of a random doctor they’d never encountered.   Members of the group treated to a more sensitive interview showed significantly less pain-related brain activity when they viewed the photo of their doctor. That level of pain reduction didn’t exist among participants in the other group, or when individuals were shown a picture of a random doctor. “When you look at the image of somebody you have a positive relationship with…you don’t have to make an effort to shift your attention [to distract yourself from pain],” says study co-author Issidoros Sarinopoulos, PhD, an assistant professor of radiology at Michigan State University. This automatic reaction is linked to the release of opiates in the brain, which can curb discomfort, he explains.  Unfortunately, the standard doctor’s visit is usually pretty impersonal. So unless you’ve got the world’s friendliest physician, consider these science-back tips to cope at your next appointment: Brace yourself. “Knowing when a negative event occurs allows the brain to brace for that event,” Sarinopoulos says. “Then the impact on the brain is lessened.” In other words, acknowledging that you’re going to get an injection is the first step to prepping for it.  …then distract yourself. Now that you know when you’re about to get sticked, shift your attention to something positive. “Focusing on a negative event induces or enhances feelings of anxiety, Sarinopoulos says. Bring a photo. Gazing at Dr. McDreamy is one strategy to make the pain go away, as the study indicates. But looking at a photo of a loved one—or having them there for the procedure—works just as well. “Pleasure components counteract the impact of pain,” Sarinopoulos says. Om away pain. “We know that even a short training in mindfulness meditation helps,” Sarinopoulos says. How to do it? Check out our 3 easy steps to pain-killing meditation.  More from Prevention: When Your Doctor Makes You Feel Fat  Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team!