Perhaps not surprisingly, home energy consumption hits its highest point in July and August, according to the EIA. While cranking the AC isn’t the only cause, it’s a major one: Americans use about 18% of their total household electricity for air conditioning. Luckily, there are things you can do to shrink your usage (and bill!) this summer, and they don’t involve sweating it out despite the sweltering temps. Here’s your game plan. (If you want to sweat for weight loss’ sake, try out Prevention’s Walk Your Way To Better Health. You’ll lose up to 5x more fat just by walking!) 

Use a programmable thermostat.

The payoff: Save about $34 this summer If you turn your thermostat up (or down, in the winter) by 7°F to 10°F for eight hours a day, you can save up to 10% a year on cooling and heating costs, according to the Department of Energy. In the summer, that means keeping your home warmer during the day when you’re not home. For most efficient operation, make sure you put the thermostat on an interior wall out of the sun and away from drafts and windows. If your electric bill is normally $114, these simple changes would translate to about $34 in summer savings.  MORE: 5 Simple Ways To Help Your Kids Beat The Heat​

Run a ceiling fan counter-clockwise.

The payoff: Save about $48 this summer Ceiling fans don’t lower the temperature in a room, but they can make occupants feel like the room is cooler by creating a breeze. The counter-clockwise direction also helps by pushing cool air down toward the floor (i.e. where you’re standing), so you can nudge your thermostat up a couple of degrees without feeling too steamy. This cooling effect is only present when you can feel the fan, so make sure you turn it off when you leave the room. Do this all summer and you could save approximately 14% on your energy bill—which translates to about $48 (or more, depending on the cost of your typical bill). (Why stop saving money there? Here are 6 simple grocery swaps that could save you $60 per month.) 

Replace old-fashioned bulbs.

The payoff: Save $75 this year  If you swap out your home’s five most-frequently used lights with Energy Star light bulbs, you could save as much as $75 a year in energy costs—and your home will be cooler, since 90% of the energy used by incandescent bulbs goes to heat production. It’s a win-win! This switch will translate to year-round savings, but you’ll save at least $19 less over the course of the summer (possibly more, depending on how much this change ends up lowering the temp in your home).  Stay cool during your summer workouts with these tips: ​ ​

Use your exhaust fans.

The payoff: Less heat and humidity in the house Part of keeping your home cool is preventing heat from building up indoors, so it’s smart to vent the steamy air after a shower or the hot air in the kitchen after cooking. Run your bathroom exhaust fan for 15 minutes after showering and your kitchen range hood or exhaust fan during and after cooking. Make sure they’re certified energy-efficient models, which use 60% less energy than standard fans. While it’s hard to calculate the exact financial savings, the less heat that builds up, the less air conditioning you’ll need, which means—you guessed it—a lower monthly bill. MORE: ​9 Cute, Comfortable Walking Sandals For Summer Travel​

Pull the curtains.

The payoff: Less outside heat in your home to cool Much of the heat in your home comes from windows that get direct sunlight—a greenhouse effect. If you cover those windows with medium-colored drapes with white-plastic backings during the day, you’ll take in as much as 33% less heat than you would if you kept your windows uncovered. No curtains? Keeping shades pulled or blinds closed should help, too.  PREVENTION PREMIUM: 6 Natural Ways To Soothe A Sunburn