In the study, researchers had one group of people change their gait so they unknowingly walked in a “sad” style—a slumped posture with shoulders hanging forward and little arm swing. The other group took on a “happy” style—more arm movement and an up-and-down bounce. After taking a memory test, the sad walkers remembered significantly more negative words than those who moved with a happy stride. MORE: What Your Sleep Position Says About You This memory bias is important because it plays a big role in establishing and maintaining depressive conditions, says study author Nikolaus Troje, PhD. Depressed people tend to remember negative events and focus more on them, which can create a bad mood. The researchers believe that changing postures or movement patterns can actually influence the way you process information. So if you’re looking for a quick way to lift your spirits, “walk happily and you’ll feel better,” says Troje. It’s that simple. MORE: How Daydreaming Helps Your Mind Focus