Algae. It might be slimy and green, but algae’s also up to 70% protein, something nutraceutical companies are starting to take advantage of. Aurora Algae already churns out protein supplements derived from the sea plant, while the industrial biotech company Solazyme is making microalgae-based food ingredients like oil and protein powder to serve as a lower cal alternative to eggs, butter, and oil in baked goods. If that means a healthier chocolate cake, we’ll take it.  Insects. Creepy-crawlies from ants to locusts to caterpillars are feasted on the world over—except in the U.S. and Europe. But because insects are such an environmentally friendly form of protein, that’s changing: Last year, the European Union put up 3 million Euros for research projects that promote bugs in cooking. And here at home, grasshoppers and mealworms are already served at some high-end restaurants in Washington, D.C., and San Francisco (Though if popping a whole bug into your mouth still seems a little icky, don’t worry. The folks at Entom Foods are developing high-pressure technology to remove insect shells and wings in an effort to make bug meat more appealing to American tastebuds.)  Lab-grown meat. McFrankenstein sandwich and a side of fries? Coming right up. Scientists at Maastrict University in the Netherlands are growing meat by transforming cow stem cells into the animal tissues that are used for ground beef. They could debut the world’s first stem cell burger as early as October.  Kelp. Many Asian countries have been harvesting seaweed for centuries (it’s rich in iodine, folate, and magnesium), though the only time you’ll see the tangly brown stuff here at home is on the occasional Japanese restaurant menu. But could kelp primevera and kelp marinara be next? It seems likely. Companies like Sea Tangle Noodle Company make kelp noodles that serve as a low-cal, grain-free substitute for pasta, and they’re already being served in some raw food restaurants.  Printed food. 3D printers have been in the spotlight for churning out everything from guns to human body parts. So is it much surprise that a Cornell University researcher has developed a machine that prints steak, fish, or fruit? After ordering up your desired dish on a touch screen, the Digital Fabricator builds layers of ingredients piped from food canisters while simultaneously heating or cooling the printed meal. Hello, Jetsons!  More from Prevention: Are Your Veggies Happy?