“Walking is one of the best types of ‘medicine’ we have to help prevent diabetes, or reduce its severity and potential complications—such as heart attack and stroke—if you already have it,” says JoAnn Manson, MD, DrPH, chief of the division of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Women who did at least 30 minutes daily of moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, slashed their risk of diabetes by 30%, according to results from the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study. (This is your body on walking.) Even a single 90-minute session of aerobic exercise improved blood sugar control in at-risk women, according to research from the University of Michigan. MORE: 13 Power Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally Walking also shrinks the dangerous abdominal fat that raises your risk of diabetes. Excess fat around your abdomen causes inflammation in cells, making them even more resistant to insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar; this increases your odds of developing the disease. A Canadian study found that women who walked briskly for about an hour a day decreased their belly fat by 20% after 14 weeks—without changing their eating habits. This science-based workout combines powerful cardio walks with toning workouts. “Together, the two build lean muscle and help reduce body fat—a combination that can dramatically improve blood sugar,” says Francine R. Kaufman, MD, head of the Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Here’s how to get started today. In just 2 weeks, you could lose a few pounds, shrink your waistline, and improve your blood sugar levels!  Workout at a Glance What you’ll need: Supportive athletic shoes, watch with timer, mat What you’ll do: 6 workouts a week, divided into:

Fat-Torch Walk (2 days a week), a steady-paced workout to burn flabCalorie-Scorch Walk (2 days a week), short intervals of fast walking to rev up your metabolism so you burn more calories all day longBelly Blast Routine (2 days a week), a 15-minute toning routine designed to firm your core—abs, lower back, and butt 

Get Started MORE: Walk Your Way To Lower Blood Sugar

The Walks

Fat-Torch Walk Each week, increase the cardio walk portion by 5 minutes; build up to a 60-minute workout. Calorie-Scorch Walk The Belly Blast Routine Crisscross Lie on back with feet off floor, knees at 90 degrees, and hands behind head. Contract abs, press lower back toward floor, and curl head and neck off floor. Inhale and extend left leg while drawing right knee toward chest. At the same time, twist to bring left elbow toward right knee. Exhale and twist to left, switching legs. That’s 1 rep; do 6. Leg Circle Lie on back with left foot flat on floor, right leg extended toward ceiling, toes pointed, and arms at sides. Hold for 10 to 60 seconds. Then, keeping abs tight, rotate right leg from hip in small circles. Inhale as you begin the circle; exhale as you finish. Do 6 circles; repeat in opposite direction. Switch legs. (For a challenge, straighten left leg.) Leg Kick Lie on right side propped on elbow and forearm, torso lifted off floor, legs stacked and in line with body, left hand in front for balance. Exhale and slowly swing left leg forward as far as is comfortable. Hold and pulse, moving foot forward and back a few inches, for 2 counts. Inhale and swing leg back, past right one. Do 6 times without lowering leg. Switch sides. (For an easier option, extend right arm on floor and rest head on arm.)