But here goes: while all legumes are nutritious, the tiny garbanzo is a class-leading bean. A cup of canned garbanzos (a.k.a. chickpeas) provides 18 grams of protein, including every amino acid necessary for muscle growth, says Rebecca Scritchfield, RD, a dietitian in Washington, DC. MORE: This Might Be the Best Bacon You’ll Ever Taste Want more bean-efits? Researchers in Canada found that people who regularly consume garbanzos have healthier cholesterol levels than those who don’t. Credit a high dose of soluble fiber, the kind that sucks up water, forming a gel in your intestines that blocks cholesterol from being absorbed. Soluble fiber also fuels gut probiotics, the healthy bacteria that promote digestion, protect your colon, and give your immunity a boost. Garbanzos are super easy to add to your diet. “You can add chickpeas to anything you’re making,” Scritchfield says. “They’ll take on flavor of whatever seasoning you’re using.” Just rinse and drain and toss them into any salad, soup, or stew. You can also roast them in the oven and keep them on hand for a crunchy snack. Or develop a hankering for carrots and celery dipped in hummus. Feeling ambitious? You can even make your own hummus with this easy recipe. MORE: Find The Smoothie That’s Best For You Another versatile option: kidney beans. These legumes are an excellent source of thiamin and riboflavin, which help your body use energy efficiently. Plus, they contain 14 grams of cholesterol-fighting fiber per cup. Throw them into chili or a salad, or whip up some Southern-style beans and rice. And don’t worry about tooting your own horn. An Arizona State University study found that while all beans may cause flatulence when you first introduce them to your diet—partly because they’re so rich in fiber—the fallout fades after a few weeks. (For more fascinating facts about flatulence, check out How a Bean Becomes Gas.) The article The Best Bean You Can Eat originally ran on Menshealth.com.