Jawbone compiled data from hundreds of thousands of people using UP, a wristband that monitors personal stats on sleep, activity, and eats. Their findings? Those lagging in shut-eye include residents in New York and Los Angeles, who have to deal with long commutes that force them to wake up earlier. Sleep winners include the outdoorsy population of Colorado, who clock al fresco exercise that helps them sleep better, and bookworms in Arizona, Maine, and Washington who go to bed and wake up earlier. Unsurprisingly, if you live in a retirement destination (think Tucson or Phoenix), you’ll go to bed the earliest. If you’re college-aged and live in a college town (like Miami or Orlando), you’re more likely to be a night owl. Here’s what you can learn from the places that put a premium on shuteye—and from the cities that don’t:Commuters are less healthy. New Yorkers who live more than five miles away from work log 54 fewer minutes per week, according to Jawbone. Research has also found that a long commute can take a toll on your relationships, lead to obesity, cause major stress, and make it less likely you’ll exercise or eat nutritious food. Sound like you? To cut stress, use a peppermint or cinnamon air freshener. Those scents have been found to decrease frustration, anxiety, and fatigue while driving. Exercise leads to sounder sleep. According to Jawbone, bikers sleep six minutes more per night and rock climbers get eight additional minutes. Makes sense, as research has found that any type of exercise—whether you’re biking outside or running on the treadmill in a gym—is associated with better quality rest and can even treat insomnia.Sound like you? Keep it up, even if you aren’t seeing shuteye results quite yet. A recent study found that exercise does improve sleep—but it may take as many as four months of regular exercise to change sleep habits for the better. Jet lag is a major downer. If you commonly travel coast-to-coast for work, you’ll suffer sleep disruption for up to a week. Sound like you? Try taking a melatonin supplement while traveling. The hormone can help you doze off faster. Or eat a carb-rich dinner, which encourages your body to produce melatonin. More from Prevention: 8 Weird Reasons You’re Tired All The TimeAdditional research by Sara Altshul and Nina Elias