Bones get thin After bone mass peaks around age 30, you start to lose 1 to 2% of bone a year; the pace accelerates to 3 or 4% annually in the first 5 to 7 years after menopause, when declining estrogen offers less protection against cells called osteoclasts that break down bone. This puts you at high risk of both osteoporosis and fractures, its most serious consequences. Muscle fibers shorten and weaken Around age 40, muscles start shrinking and losing energy-producing mitochondria in their cells. Weakened, poorly nourished muscles have lower aerobic capacity and absorb sugar from the bloodstream less efficiently, making bone-building exercise difficult. Joints lose their cushions Synovial fluid, which lubricates the protective cartilage in knee, hip, and other joints, begins to dry. Cartilage then erodes and frays, a precursor to arthritis. Wear and tear takes a toll About 26% of women get arthritis, compared with only 17% of men. Reason: Muscles attached to wider pelvises exert additional stress on knees that, over time, exacerbates cartilage damage. Your Stay-Young Plan Do weight-bearing exercise Walking, dancing, stair-climbing, skiing—any activity that forces your skeleton to support your weight speeds the work of bone-building osteoblast cells. Just a half hour of brisk walking boosted two measures of bone growth in one recent study. But avoid high-impact moves such as running or jumping if you already have osteoporosis or you risk fractures. TRY: Tai Chi Postmenopausal women who’ve practiced the slow, graceful movements of this exercise for years have denser bones—and even beginners slow bone loss as soon as they start, according to a recent research review at Harvard. More from Prevention: 12 Ways to Break-Proof Bones [header = Strengthen and Tone Muscles] Strengthen and tone your muscles The stronger you are, the less likely you’ll be injured in a fall. What’s more, lifting weights as little as twice a week reverses loss of mitochondria, giving you and your muscles extra energy, according to a recent study at the Buck Institute for Age Research in Novato, CA. A 16-week strength-training program has also been shown to cut arthritis pain by 43%. Bonus benefit: Muscle workouts boost your metabolic rate as much as 15%, so you burn more calories even when you’re inactive. TRY: Target your quadriceps People with strong thighs have less cartilage damage and pain in their knees from osteoarthritis, according to a preliminary study. Mayo Clinic researchers say toned quads reduce lateral kneecap motion that speeds cartilage wear. Make sure also to strengthen your hamstrings at the backs of your thighs so you don’t create muscle imbalance. Get enough calcium The mineral is the main component of bone, and women need at least 1,000 mg a day—1,200 after menopause. Yet 78% of us don’t get enough, especially after age 50, when adult intake averages just 674 mg a day. Eat calcium-rich dairy foods and consider taking two 500 mg supplements a day. “Take doses separately—for example, one at breakfast and one at dinner,” says Kimberly Templeton, MD, an associate professor of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center. “The body can absorb only about 500 mg at a time.” Additional food sources include fat-free milk, which provides a third of the daily value for calcium, and spinach, which delivers 12% of the DV for calcium and also contains vitamin C, a collagen builder that improves calcium absorption. TRY: Vitamin D supplements It helps calcium enter the bloodstream and fuse to bone, but half of women aren’t getting the 200 IU recommended before menopause—much less the 400 IU you should get after age 50. What’s more, many experts think the current recommendation is too low, prompting the National Osteoporosis Foundation to raise its recommendation to 800 to 1,000 IU of D a day for women age 50 and older. One fast food fix: 3.5 ounces of salmon provides 90% of the DV for vitamin D, contains bone-building calcium, and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Stay ahead of arthritis pain with massage and acupuncture The two natural treatments are known to ease pain in the 46 million sufferers of the disease, two-thirds of whom are women, with none of the potentially serious gastrointestinal side effects caused by NSAIDs. Recent studies have shown that stimulation of pressure points, either manually or with acupuncture needles, prompts the nervous system to release chemicals that mask pain. (Find out more 6 health benefits of acupuncture) TRY: Pomegranate Juice In lab tests done at Case Western Reserve University and reported in the Journal of Nutrition, extract from the fruit lowered levels of an inflammatory chemical called interleukin-1B, which is released during arthritis flare-ups, as well as enzymes that erode cartilage. [header = When to Get a Bone Scan] When to Get a Bone Scan Bones don’t let on that they’re weak—until they break. That’s why you should get a bone mineral density test such as a dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) if you meet these criteria from the National Osteoporosis Foundation:

You’re postmenopausal, have a fractured bone, or have any risk factor for osteoporosisYou are thin, are small-framed, exercise very little, don’t get enough calcium and vitamin D, smoke cigarettes, or have recently quit smoking after many yearsYou’re 65 or older—even if you don’t have a fracture or any other risk factors.

A Flat Belly: Good for Your Bones Your body’s main source of strength and stability is your core—also referred to as your torso, trunk, or midsection—which includes all the muscles of your abdomen, lower back, and hips. Any bone- and muscle-building routine you follow should include core exercises. A strong midsection will:

Keep you moving. Toned core muscles provide support to joints, enabling them to handle mild strains and stresses that lead to injuries.Prevent back problems. Trunk muscles sheathe your spine, shoring up weak points, like compressed or frayed disks, that can cause debilitating pain and reduce mobility. (Got an achy back at work? See how you can prevent office body)Improve balance and posture. A solid core helps prevent falls.

Creaky Knees? Try Glucosamine and Chondroitin  Many researchers think this combination reduces inflammation and boosts hydration of joint cartilage. A review of 15 studies found that these supplements improve mobility. The largest trial so far found that 1,500 mg of glucosamine combined with 1,200 mg of chondroitin (a component of cartilage) safely relieves moderate to severe knee pain. If you have diabetes, first check with your doctor: Glucosamine can affect glucose metabolism and may interfere with medication. You can also try ginger and turmeric supplements, which contain anti-inflammatory compounds. More from Prevention: 22 Best Vitamins for Women Quick Tip: Add Milk to Coffee The bone-building benefits of calcium and vitamin D in a tablespoon of low-fat milk offset the impact of caffeine, which causes bones to excrete calcium—about 2 mg of calcium per cup, according to the National Institutes of Health. (Although new research suggests OJ can protect against bone density, too.) Interested in other stay-young plans? See how you can Feel Fabulous After 40