In concept, it’s a great idea: Schedule a Monday morning doctor’s appointment and ease your way into the week. But the truth is, you’re more likely to miss a meeting with your doc on Monday, according to new research published in PLoS One.   Researchers at Glasgow University in Scotland studied the attendance records of doctor visits at hospitals for more than 4.5 million people, as well as more than 10,000 appointments at a general practitioner’s office. The results: More people missed appointments at the beginning of week than the end. Why? Researchers blame the Monday morning blues, speculating that a bad mood may leave you less willing to accept bad news from your doc, or do something you don’t want to do (like getting in the car and driving to the appointment). The easy fix: Pencil in time with your GP right when her office opens on Thursday or Friday. Interestingly, the study found that although people are more likely to miss appointments early in the week, they’re also more likely to schedule then, leaving the end of the week more open. And the first slot of the day will ensure a quieter office, a more attentive doc, and a shorter wait time. More from Prevention: 5 Ways To Get The Treatment You Deserve

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