Sure, nonstick cookware makes food prep convenient—not to mention that meals look way more appetizing when they aren’t glued to the pan. But this asset in the kitchen might one day be accompanied by a warning label: Certain nonstick chemicals are already linked to higher cholesterol levels and an increased risk of thyroid disease. Now, new evidence suggests they may even trigger osteoarthritis.  A new study appearing online in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that women with higher levels of nonstick chemicals in their blood were more likely to have arthritis. The chemicals, which are believed to disrupt certain hormones, are known as “perfluorinated compounds” and include both perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS).  Used in hundreds of consumer products for their unique water- and stain-repelling properties, this class of nonstick chemicals is found not just in cookware, but in stain-repellent furniture and carpeting, as well as certain fast-food wrappers. Although scientists aren’t exactly sure how PFOA and PFOS might cause osteoarthritis, they do have a hunch. “Experimental findings suggest they have the potential to alter the delicate balance of our natural hormones involved with inflammation, cartilage repair, and other factors related to the disease,” explains study author Sarah Uhl, MSc, presidential management fellow at the Environmental Protection Agency. If further research reinforces these findings, it might be time to consider replacing your nonstick cookware—or at least buying safer options when your existing cooking tools wear out. Trade nonstick pans and tools for cast iron, ceramic, glass, and stainless steel varieties. More from Prevention: 8 Myths About Arthritis—Busted! Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.