Adults are happier with their decisions when they feel those choices were guided by their true selves, finds new research in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Investigators asked study participants to rank the importance of several decision-making strategies, and evaluate how important each strategy was for personal satisfaction. Number one on the list? “Following who you really are” outranked strategies like getting info from others, weighing pros and cons, or letting fate decide. Researchers also found that those who had an easy time describing their true selves were more likely to be satisfied with recent big decisions. Sounds like common sense, right? Well, sort of. “Philosophers have talked about this concept for centuries, but no one had looked at whether average people actually believe that using your true self as a guide is the best way to make decisions,” says study co-author Rebecca Schlegel, PhD, an assistant professor of psychology at Texas A&M University. Turns out, we do: When you feel good about who you are, you’ll be happier with the choices you make, Schlegel says. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend a week meditating solo atop a mountain to harness your true self. “Going with your gut is actually more about avoiding the common scenarios that keep you from connecting with your inner self,” Schlegel says. Here’s how to do it: Don’t be a people pleaser. It’s fine to go with the flow when your friends are in the mood for Italian even though you’re craving Chinese. But when it comes to the important stuff, nix the expectations of others. The easiest way to do it? Avoid thinking about achievements or successes that could stem from your decision, since those tend to be linked to what other people think of us, Schlegel says. Beware bad days. We’ve all had them: It’s a Monday, your hair’s a mess, your job’s too demanding, and your husband is a total pain in the neck. Unfortunately, days like these impair our ability to tap into our inner wants and needs. “On bad days, we tend to call into question whether we really know ourselves,” Schlegel says. Instead, ride it out—and make that big decision once your mood bounces back to normal.    More from Prevention: The Question That Can Change Your Life Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team!

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