Say what? Strange as it might sound, pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are associated with an increased risk of hearing loss in women, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Advanced Epidemiology. Researchers followed over 60,000 women for fourteen years and tracked the frequency of their pain reliever use along with self-reported hearing loss.   More from Prevention: 3 Natural Solutions For Back Pain   The results were dramatic: Nearly a quarter of women who took ibuprofen six or more days a week reported decreases in hearing. And women who only took ibuprofen two or three days a week were 13% more likely to experience hearing loss. Acetaminophen users fared better, but only slightly: 21% of women who took acetaminophen six or more days a week experienced loss, along with 11% of women who took the painkiller a few days a week.  Previous research has already demonstrated a link between pain relief medications and hearing loss in men, so researchers weren’t surprised to learn of similar results for women. “NSAID pain relievers like ibuprofen can reduce blood flow to the cochlea [the part of the inner ear that helps you hear], which could impair its function,” says lead study author Sharon G. Curhan, MD, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital Channing Division of Network Medicine. Acetaminophen could also deplete structures in the ear that protect the cochlea, Curhan says. More From Prevention: Never Get Another Headache   Does that mean you’re doomed to endure a life filled with headaches and sore muscles? Not necessarily. Hearing loss wasn’t associated with use of other NSAIDS like naproxen, or with aspirin use, though researchers aren’t exactly sure why. And they aren’t ready to recommend that women swear off taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen completely. “We want people to know that these are medications with potential side effects,” says Curhan. “If you need to take them regularly, consult with a health care professional to discuss the risks and benefits,” she says.  Still wary? Check out Natural Alternatives To The Top 10 Most Prescribed Drugs.