Doing this ab workout 3 times a week will not only tone and tighten your tummy, it will also help you whack a tennis ball with more oomph, walk taller, and run faster. Strong abs can also help you regain your balance if you trip and keep back pain at bay when you’re slaving over a new recipe. (Want to workout more but don’t have the time? Then try Fit in 10, the new workout program that takes only 10 minutes a day.) Plank With Knee Bend A. Start in push-up position, placing hands on floor directly beneath shoulders. Extend legs behind you so you’re balancing on hands and balls of feet. Keep body in a straight line. B. Contract abdominal muscles and slowly pull left knee forward as far as comfortably possible. Don’t arch back. Return to start and repeat with right leg. Continue, alternating legs, for 1 minute. MORE: Walk Off 5 Times More Belly Fat Crisscross A. Stand up straight with feet together and hands behind head. B. Twist torso, bringing right elbow across body and slightly down toward left side. Simultaneously raise left knee as if to meet right elbow. Return to start and repeat with opposite elbow and leg. Continue, alternating sides, for 2 minutes. MORE: The 8 Most Effective Exercises For Weight Loss The Frog A. Lie on back with bottoms of feet touching, knees dropped open. Rest arms behind head, keeping elbows out. B. Pull abs toward spine and raise feet, head, and shoulders off floor as far as comfortably possible. Don’t pull chin to chest. Hold for 2 seconds and return to start. Repeat for 1 minute.