Yes or no question: Are you stressed? If your fists aren’t clenched and your heart’s not racing, you may think you’re in the clear. But not so fast, Ms. Cool Cucumber. Even if you don’t exhibit the obvious signs of anxiety, your breathing just might indicate that you’re more flummoxed than you appear. In a small study published in the Journal of Breath Research, a team from Loughborough University and Imperial College London observed 23 men and women during two separate, and very different, test periods. In one session, the group sat comfortably listening to classical music. In another, they underwent a stressful math exam while watching a video of themselves answering questions. Wrong answers were greeted with a loud alarm. Researchers measured the participants’ blood pressure and heart rates throughout both sessions, and administered breath tests before and after each one. Not surprisingly, participants were mega-stressed during that second test period—and their breath exhibited significant changes in response. In particular, researchers found a sharp increase in two compounds emitted by the breath of participants. One of them—called indole, which increased by 157% during that stressful scenario—is associated with the production of serotonin, which other studies have implicated as a response to acute stress. The other compound, 2-methylpentadecane, has been fingered as a potential biomarker of cancer.  This isn’t the first time that breath has betrayed the body: Previous studies have shown that breath compounds may act as biomarkers for tuberculosis, cancers, asthma, and pulmonary diseases, according to the study authors. But while breath can signal stress, know that it can also cure it. Here’s how to de-stress your breath when you feel panic setting in. Breathe to the max. Deep breathing activates your vagus nerve, which soothes your brain, according to Dr. Mehmet Oz. To maximize the power of your breath, suck your bellybutton toward your spine on the exhale, and inhale deeply to flood your system with good-for-you nitric oxide. (Check out more of Dr. Oz’s favorite head-to-toe stress-busting techniques.)  Stop and smell the sandalwood. When you’re stressed, your nose actually becomes more sensitive to aromas. Harness that power by turning to aromatherapy, which can transform your mood with a single drop. For stress, sniff sandalwood or dab a few drops onto your chest. Breathe deeply for best results! Take a breath walk. Originally from an ancient yoga technique, breath walking is a favorite de-stresser of Jim Nicolai, MD, medical director of the Andrew Weil, MD Integrative Wellness Program at Miraval Resort and Spa. Take four short breaths in through your nose, followed by four short breaths out. Time these breaths to each step you take, and you’ll gain calmness and clarity on a simple stroll around the block. Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.