Many women try yoga for stress reduction, but they stick with it because it makes them feel—and look—younger, says Larry Payne, PhD, a yoga director at Loyola Marymount University and coauthor of Yoga Rx. Unlike traditional exercise, yoga blends moves that improve circulation, balance, flexibility, and strength with meditative techniques such as deep breathing. “My students call yoga a natural face-lift,” he says. “It cleanses, relaxes, and restores.” (Use yoga to sculpt a strong, sexy core with the Flat Belly Yoga DVD!) Here’s how yoga slows the signs of aging: Minimizes wrinkles Yoga can reduce stress by nearly a third, reports a German study of 24 women. As a result, clenched jaws and furrowed brows relax, helping to smooth away wrinkles. Yoga may also rejuvenate skin’s glow by reducing oxidative stress, which breaks down skin’s elasticity. In an Indian study of 104 people, oxidative stress levels dropped by 9% after just 10 days of yoga. Slows weight gain During a 10-year University of Washington study of 15,500 men and women over age 45, those who didn’t do yoga gained up to 13.5 pounds. Those who practiced regularly lost up to 5 pounds. MORE: Drink This, Sleep 90 More Mintues A Night Eases pain Yoga is twice as effective as stretching at relieving back pain, according to another University of Washington study that had 101 people with lower-back pain do either yoga or stretching once a week for 3 months. Helps you sleep like a baby Levels of the brain’s natural nighttime sedative, melatonin, decrease with age, but another Indian study found that when 15 men, ages 25 to 35, practiced yoga daily for 3 months, their melatonin levels increased. Keeps you sharp Researchers at Jefferson Medical College discovered that just one yoga class helps keep the stress hormone cortisol in line. Elevated amounts may contribute to age-related memory problems. (Try these 10 effective ways to improve your memory.) Ready to take advantage of these benefits? Do this simple, 30-minute routine, developed by Deborah Matza, RN, MPH, a yoga instructor at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City, 3 times a week. Once you warm up with the moving meditation, perform the rest of the poses in the order listed. Use your breath to lead you into and out of each pose, moving at a relaxed pace.  Moving MeditationWarms up joints and muscles Stand with feet together, toes forward, and knees bent slightly. Relax arms at sides, palms in. Lift chest and roll shoulders back and down. Look straight ahead and breathe deeply for 1 minute.Inhale and raise arms out to sides (palms up) until overhead. Exhale and bend forward from hips, keeping arms extended in front as hands reach down to touch shins, feet, or floor (as shown). Hold for 15 seconds. Inhale and rise, bringing arms overhead; exhale and lower arms to sides. Repeat B three times. A.B. Warrior II and Side Angle Strengthens and stretches legs, glutes, abs, and arms For Warrior II: Stand with feet apart, right foot pointing to side and left foot turned in slightly. Keep torso facing forward. Exhale and bend right knee. Inhale and raise arms out to sides. Turn head to right and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. For Side Angle: Exhale and place right forearm on right thigh and raise left arm overhead. Look toward sky and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Inhale and rise back to Warrior II pose. Exhale and straighten right leg. Repeat A and B to left side. A.B. MORE: 8 Things That Happen When You Finally Stop Drinking Diet Soda Tree Improves balance; strengthens feet, legs, glutes, and abs Stand with feet together, toes forward. Place sole of right foot on inside of left thigh or calf (or on inside of ankle, with toes of right foot lightly touching floor). Put hands in prayer position in front of chest and look straight ahead. Hold for 15 seconds. Inhale and extend arms overhead, keeping hands together (or keep hands in front of chest). Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Exhale and lower arms and leg. Repeat, balancing on right leg.

Sphinx and Child’s Pose Improves posture; strengthens and stretches back, chest, and arms For Sphinx: Lie facedown on mat, with legs together, elbows under shoulders, and forearms and hands pointing forward. Inhale and press palms and forearms down as you lift chest and head, drawing ears away from shoulders (as shown). Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Exhale and relax down to mat. Repeat. For Child’s Pose: Slide hands beneath shoulders. Push up, bend knees, and sit back on heels, lowering chest to thighs and head toward floor. Keep arms stretched out in front (not pictured). Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. A.B. MORE: 25 Delectable Detox Smoothies Seated Twist Improves flexibility; releases tension in spine and hips Sit cross-legged with arms extended so fingertips touch mat on either side of hips. Inhale, lengthening spine and lifting arms overhead. Exhale and twist gently to right, lowering left hand to outer right thigh and right hand behind you. Look over right shoulder. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. With each inhalation, lengthen the spine; with each exhalation twist a little farther. On an exhalation, return to center, and repeat, twisting to left.

Inverted L Improves circulation; revives tired, cramped feet and legs Place one or two pillows next to a wall. Carefully position yourself so hips are on pillows and legs are resting against wall. Feet should be about 12 inches apart and relaxed. Angle arms out to sides, palms up. Hips should be slightly higher than chest (if not, use another pillow). Close eyes and breathe deeply for at least 1 minute. *Skip this pose if you are menstruating or have high blood pressure, glaucoma, or a neck injury.

Reclining AngleReduces fatigue; relieves menstrual cramps Sit on mat with knees bent, feet flat. Place the short side of one or two pillows about an inch behind tailbone, and one pillow on either side of knees. Lower knees so soles of feet are together and each knee is on a pillow. Using hands for support, lie back so spine and head are on pillow. Angle arms out to sides, palms up. Close eyes and breathe deeply for at least 1 minute.

MORE: 7 Reasons You’re Tired All The Time Final RelaxationReduces tension Remove pillows and extend legs (not pictured). Breathe deeply for 1 to 5 minutes as you focus on different body parts, working your way up from your toes to your head and releasing tension from each area as you exhale.