You’ve probably heard someone say that the definition of insanity is continuing to do something over and over, even though you’re getting zero results. So it follows that the definition of weight-loss insanity is to stick to a diet or exercise plan that hasn’t nudged the scale much or has left you with physical or psychological side effects. Come on, that’s no way to go through each day. Losing weight is a pretty individual thing, and there is a plan out there that will do the trick for you. If any of these six signs sound familiar, it’s time to jump ship and find it.

  1. You Have Zero EnergyNo diet should leave you feeling totally drained. “The right plan will make you feel the opposite—energized and healthy,” says Stephanie Middleberg, RD, a nutritionist at Middleberg Nutrition in New York City. MORE: 5 Foods That Give You TONS of Energy
  2. Three Words: Major Digestive Issues"If you find yourself constipated, cramping, or have loose stools, you may be missing some key nutrients," says Middleberg. Or it could be that the food your diet consists of just doesn’t agree with your system. Trust us—weight loss is not worth suffering (and ongoing chronic GI issues could lead to a larger health problem).
  3. You Start Experiencing Anxiety and/or Depression"Any successful meal plan should make you feel empowered and in control, not worried about every food selection," says Middleberg. If you’re feeling constantly stressed about your eating plan, consider it a clue that you’d do better on a diet with more flexibility.
  4. You’re Starving All Day LongA little hunger is normal when you eat less than you’re used to. But if your appetite is out of control all the time, your plan is way too restrictive for you—and you’re practically guaranteed to binge. MORE: 15 Healthy Foods That Make You Feel Full and Satisfied
  5. You Can’t Wait for Your Diet to EndIt’s a bad sign if you resent your food and workout guidelines so much that you’re marking off the days on your calendar until you can ditch them for good. Plus, any diet designed to be followed for a short amount of time is doomed to fail since getting to and then maintaining a healthy weight requires a more permanent shift in your eating habits, not temporary calorie counting, says Middleberg.
  6. You Just Aren’t Losing WeightTrue, not everyone drops pounds at the same pace. But if you’ve been on the plan for two or three weeks and the number on the scale is the same, a different way of eating would probably be a better fit. “Weight loss is not just about calories in versus calories out,” says Middleberg. “It also involves where those calories are coming from, the quality of your food, and your timing.” MORE: 4 Super-Effective Diets You Probably Haven’t Heard Of