Getting my hair blown out. This is my weekly ritual! I love going to Lovella NYC to get my hair washed, my scalp massaged and get a deep conditioning hair treatment with Repêchage® Hydra-Amino18® Thermal Seaweed Mask, followed by a blow out that gives me the perfect waves that last me the entire week! Fitting into my skinny jeans. After gaining 45 pounds during my pregnancy, when I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight it was a great milestone. It felt amazing to get back into my jeans that didn’t have an elastic band in them!
 When my husband kisses me. Every time my husband looks into my eyes and kisses me, it doesn’t matter if I just woke up or if I don’t have any makeup on, I always feel pretty! 

Nursing my baby. The closeness I feel while nursing my baby is probably one of the most amazing bonding experiences. I feel like I am able to provide my baby nourishment naturally and looking into my baby’s eyes while nursing makes me feel proud and beautiful. 
Driving my car. I embarrassingly just got my driver’s license this past summer. Growing up in New York City I really never felt the need to have a car but I finally did it! Every time I get into my BMW I feel like a teenager—independent and empowered!