She fractured her hip and couldn’t get up for almost an hour. Her doctor said she wouldn’t be walking, let alone flying, for at least 6 weeks. Seder is one of more than 1.6 million older Americans who went to the ER last year with fall-related injuries—and as her experience shows, hospitals aren’t just filled with frail women in their 80s. Falls are the top cause of fractures and trauma-related hospital admissions for people age 50 and older. The health of your bones plays a role, but other, often ignored factors are key to standing strong and avoiding fractures.  “Changes like loss of flexibility can creep up on you as you age and make staying on your feet more of a challenge,” says Vonda Wright, MD, an assistant professor of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Even subtle declines in vision and hearing can interfere with your balance. But you can take action to protect your poise, your bones, and your active life. These key moves will keep you steady as you go.  

Tone Up and Get Limber

Your muscles support your joints and bones, and the stronger they are, the better your ability to catch yourself midtumble, says Marje J. Albohm, director of sports medicine at the Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital in Indianapolis.  Chances are, you could get away with skimping on exercise in your younger years without it leaving you unsteady. But as you get older, you need to counteract the slow loss of elasticity and strength in your tissues that occurs over time. Otherwise, you may not notice the changes until it’s too late—like when you end up on the ground after a stumble. Stay safe: Fit in 30 minutes of strength and balance exercises, such as crunches on an exercise ball, into your workout regimen 3 days a week. You may also want to try tai chi, a technique that involves shifting your weight as you move into various poses—some studies have found that it reduces your risk of falling. But simple activities, such as stepping on and off a stair or walking while bouncing a ball, may be even more effective at restoring stability, notes a recent study from the University of Michigan. But start today: Those who begin before showing signs of unsteadiness see bigger benefits than those who are already shaky.  [pagebreak]

Sharpen Your Senses

You didn’t notice how loud you had the TV until your daughter commented. Well, it’s time to pay attention: Age-related hearing loss frequently means that the small hairs in your inner ear have been damaged by loud noise or changes in your circulation because of a condition such as heart disease or diabetes. These hairs are also responsible for good balance; they send messages to your brain that help keep your body centered, says Charley C. Della Santina, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of otology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. As they deteriorate, you may begin to feel dizzy or like you’re on a boat instead of on solid ground. If your vision has started to worsen, you may feel disoriented or less able to judge exactly how far away something is. Stay safe: See your doctor for a hearing test. She can decide if you might benefit from exercises known as vestibular therapies (which retrain the brain to communicate more effectively with your inner ear) or a hearing aid.  Having trouble reading fine print or road signs? Your eyesight has worsened enough that it may be distorting your spatial perception. Make an appointment for a checkup to see if you require glasses or stronger lenses than those you already have.  If your optometrist recommends that you get bifocals, ask about progressive lenses and bifocal contacts–some people find that they don’t distort vision as much as traditional split-prescription specs and are easier to get used to wearing.   

Create A Safe Haven

Surprisingly, you’re most likely to hit the deck in the place you feel most secure. More than half of all falls happen at home because of hazards such as just-mopped floors and poorly lit stairways, notes Judy Stevens, PhD, an epidemiologist at the CDC Injury Center in Atlanta. Those laundry piles you’ve always managed to avoid may become booby traps going forward. Give your home a simple safety makeover. 

Apply nonslip backing to throw rugs, and affix a rubber mat in your tub. Consider installing grab bars in your shower.Tidy up papers, books, and shoes on the floor and stairs; these obstacles are common causes of falls leading to injury.Organize your cabinets so that items you frequently use are within reach.Clear loose wires and cords from your path (visit for handy ties), or have outlets installed in more useful places.Keep a lamp or a flashlight bedside so you don’t stumble around in the dark.Use a child gate to keep your dog or cat in one room if you’re busy moving about the house.

  More from Prevention: How To Try Tai Chi