Soothing sounds: For a gentle practice, “I like Radiohead, Betty Roi, and Coldplay,” says Rose of Sharon Stonewall, Group Fitness Coordinator at Crunch. “I enjoy the instrumentals and relaxing voices.”Tranquility smells: “Lavender candles can be very relaxing and soothing but it depends more on what you prefer,” YogaWorks instructor Dani Ibarra says. “Practice to the music and smells that inspire you.”More from Prevention: How To Sniff Away Your Stress [pagebreak]Serenity-seeking yoga poses:Dani’s pick: Legs Up The WallBegin lying on your back on the floor with a blanket or other bolster under the hips. The upper body remains on the floor, hips and butt against the wall with legs extended up the wall, creating an L shape with your body. Extend arms to the side in whatever way feels comfortable, and just relax in this position for a few minutes.Rose of Sharon’s pick: Supta Baddha Konasana (Goddess Pose)Start on your back, lying on the floor, with your knees open to the side so that the soles of your feet are touching. You can use blankets or bolsters under your knees, back, and head if you like. Rest arms by your side, palms facing up, and relax in this position for several minutes. More from Prevention: Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss