If you and your partner have been unable to get pregnant, you’re far from alone. Overall, 2.1 million married couples face infertility. About one-third of infertility problems are linked to the man’s reproductive system, another third is caused by the woman’s reproductive system—which has more tasks to perform in the baby-making process—and the last third is a combination of the couples’ reproductive systems. But take heart, especially if you’re an older mommy wannabe. While you and your partner will need to see a doctor to determine the cause of your infertility, there’s a lot that you can do on your own to increase your odds of conceiving. Try one or all of these expert-recommended tips.

Remedies For Female Infertility

Plan Ahead, If You Can

Unfair as it is, it’s a biological fact: A woman’s age dramatically impacts her fertility, says Robert Stillman, MD. A healthy 30-year-old woman has about a 20% chance of getting pregnant every month. By age 40, however, a woman’s chance of pregnancy drops to 5% every month. That’s not to say that if you’re in your twenties or early thirties, you should have children if you’re not emotionally or financially prepared, says Stillman. But knowing up front that your odds of conceiving dwindle with age can help you make an informed decision about when to get pregnant. MORE: 7 Things Only People Dealing With Infertility Understand

Practice Think-Ahead Birth Control

If you’re older than 35, it may be better to avoid two birth-control methods: Depo-Provera (“the Shot”) and Norplant, says Stillman. Both can linger in a woman’s body long after she stops taking them—sometimes, up to several years. If you prefer a hormonal method of birth control (rather than, say, condoms or diaphragms), use the Pill, says Dr. Stillman. “When you’re ready to conceive, there will be less chance of a long delay.” If you’re under 35, Depo-Provera and Norplant are probably quite safe, says Stillman. “There will be enough time for them to leave your system, even at the end of the spectrum.” (Or, try one of these 10 non-hormonal methods of birth control.)

Get To Your “Fertility Weight”

Twelve percent of all infertility cases stem from weighing too much or too little. If you’re overweight, losing just 5 to 10% of your weight may dramatically improve your chances of ovulating and conceiving. If you’re drastically underweight, try your best to gain. “Women biologically need a certain amount of body fat to carry and bear a child,” says Stillman.

Keep Up With Your Workouts

It’s a myth that women should stop working out while they’re trying to conceive, says John Jarrett, MD. In fact, regular exercise can help you cope with the emotional stress that you might be feeling as you try to get pregnant. (Find out how much exercise you really need.)

Limit Caffeine

Some studies show a connection between high caffeine intake and decreased fertility in women. Even though the jury is still out, if you’re trying to conceive it’s a good idea to keep your daily caffeine below 250 milligrams a day, or 1 or 2 cups of coffee, says the Mayo Clinic.

Avoid Stress And Worry

Researchers at Harvard studying women who had been trying to conceive for an average of 3 years found that after a stress-reduction program, 42% had successful pregnancies within 6 months. In another study, women having trouble getting pregnant were randomly assigned to either a stress-reduction group or a support group, or received no psychological intervention. Within 1 year, 55% of the women in the stress-reduction group and 54% of the women in the support group had given birth. By comparison, only 20% of those who had no treatment conceived. If you’re feeling defeated by infertility, try to set those worries aside by regularly engaging in activities that you find relaxing, whether it’s doing yoga, reading a book, or taking a walk.

Time Your Ovulation

Sperm has a small window of opportunity to fertilize a willing egg near ovulation, and monitoring body temperature may help identify that time. Most women’s basal body temperature, or temperature at rest, increases slightly after ovulation. Take your temperaturee every morning before getting out of bed and record it on a graph that also documents the days of your menstruation. After a few months, you should be able to spot a pattern that indicates when you usually ovulate and are most fertile. Many women find that using an ovulation detection kit is easier. These kits, which you can buy over-the-counter, measure your levels of urinary luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone that stimulates release of the egg.

Or Throw Timing Out The Window

If a woman is on a reliable 28-day cycle, she ovulates around day 14, says Jarrett. “So having sex on days 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 will pretty much cover your bases.”

Lie Still

Lying still for 5 to 10 minutes after intercourse may improve your chances of conceiving, because it helps keep your partner’s semen where it needs to be, says Stillman. (It’s not necessary to do something drastic to keep semen inside you, he adds. So forget about standing on your head.) MORE: How To Make It Through Infertility Without Destroying Your Relationship

Infetility Help From The Kitchen

Daddy wannabes should consider filling their plates with fresh fruits and vegetables. The nutrients they contain may help “grow” healthy sperm. Here’s why. Studies conducted at the Cleveland Clinic Urological Institute’s Center for Reproductive Medicine suggest that abnormally high levels of free radicals may cause infertility in some men. Free radicals are “crippled” oxygen molecules that are generated naturally by our body processes. They damage healthy cells—and spermatozoa. “Sperm require small amounts of free radicals to fertilize an egg,” says study author Ashok Agarwal, PhD. “But too many free radicals can damage the sperm’s cell membrane and DNA, compromising the sperm’s ability to fertilize.” The researchers theorize that antioxidant vitamins, such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, may benefit the sperm of men under high oxidative stress—for example, smokers and avid exercisers—because these vitamins may help neutralize free radicals.

Remedies For Male Infertility

Lose The Love Handles

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Women aren’t the only ones who should watch their weight. Men who are obese have lower volumes of seminal fluid and a higher proportion of abnormal sperm, according to Scottish researchers. The scientists studied over 5,300 men at the Aberdeen Fertility Centre. Those who had a healthy body mass index (BMI), between 20 and 25, had better levels of semen and normal sperm than those who had a higher BMI. While these findings need more scientific support, the researchers advise that “men who are trying for a baby with their partners should first try to achieve an ideal body weight.” (Here’s how to lose weight fast.)

Stay Out Of Hot Tubs

Hot tubs can be detrimental to a man’s fertility because the intense heat can kill the sperm in his testes, says Stillman. Spending more than 30 minutes in water 102°F and above can lower your sperm count.

Eat Tomatoes

Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes and other foods, may protect sperm from oxidative damage. Scientists at McGill University induced DNA damage in sperm bathed in a lycopene solution and untreated sperm. The solution-treated sperm showed less damage than the untreated sperm. Researchers need to do more exploring before recommending lycopene for infertility in men. However, most experts agree that food plays a vital role in fertility, so incorporate more antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies into your diet whenever possible.

Boost Conception Chances—Advice For Men And Women

Break Out The Condoms

If you’re not currently in a monogamous relationship and want to have children someday, use a condom—every time. Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, which often cause no symptoms, can cause infertility in both men and women.

Skip Soy

Women who are trying to conceive should avoid soy foods, such as tofu and soymilk, advises Stillman. “They contain plant estrogens, called phytoestrogens, that compete with a woman’s natural estrogen, and they can throw off a woman’s ovulation cycle,” he says. “We’ve seen women who have stopped ovulating completely.” Men should heed the same advice. In the largest human study of phytoestrogens and semen quality, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who ate the most soy had less sperm than men who didn’t consume soy at all. MORE: This Is What The Environment Is Doing To Your Fertility

Don’t Overdo The Deed

Having sex until you’re ready to drop will not increase your chances of conceiving, says Stillman. “In fact, having sex four or five times a day is counterproductive.” That’s because a man’s sperm count drops dramatically right after ejaculation, and it typically takes 48 hours to regain a normal level.

Drink Lightly Or Not At All

Research shows that women who consume as few as 5 drinks a week may hinder conception. Men who consume large amounts of alcohol can impair their fertility as well. Alcohol can damage the liver, and estrogen levels rise in men with liver damage, which can impair sperm production. (Here’s 8 things that happen when you quit drinking alcohol.)

When Is It Time To See A Doctor?

If you’re younger than 35, and you and your partner have not conceived after a year of unprotected sex, see your gynecologist. If you’re age 35 or older, see your doctor if you haven’t conceived after 6 months.

Panel Of Advisors

Ashok Agarwal, PhD, is head of the andrology laboratory and director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio. John Jarrett, MD, is a reproductive endocrinologist in Indianapolis. Robert Stillman, MD, is a clinical professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., and medical director at the Shady Grove Fertility Reproductive Science Center in Rockville, Maryland.