So, you’re a smoker. We’re not going to repeat the same health warnings you’ve already heard—by now, you know what cigarettes can do to your body, but you also know they can be incredibly tough to quit. Still, if your rationale for not kicking the habit involves the phrase “At my age, what’s the point?” you may want to consider the striking results of one new study. In a report published in the European Journal of Epidemiology, researchers examined the cardiovascular effects of smoking cessation among older adults. At the study’s outset, they combed data on 8,807 people—some current smokers, some who’d quit, and some who were lifelong non-smokers. After tracking those participants for 10 years, the team concluded that older adults who smoke are more than twice as likely to suffer a major cardiovascular event compared to non-smokers. But those who’d quit smoking actually slashed their risk of such health woes (which include stroke, heart attack, and cardiovascular disease) by a whopping 40% in just five years. In other words? It’s never too late to quit smoking—and reap the health benefits that accompany a smoke-free life. In fact, older adults might be more attuned to the value of butting out, which can make it easier to do, says Daniel Seidman, PhD, the director of smoking cessation services at Columbia University Medical Center and author of Smoke-Free In 30 Days. “At around 40, you’re not feeling so immortal anymore,” he says. “Parents are sick, friends are sick, and you might start to see that smoking is really slowing you up.”  Of course, nobody’s saying that quitting is easy—and you’ve probably seen friends and family members struggle through their own cessation efforts. But you’ll be surprised by how quickly your body rebounds, Seidman says. “About 50% [of people] don’t really have a powerful withdrawal,” he notes. “With all the different medications and alternative therapies, it’s more doable now than it ever was before.” (Among those promising therapies are text messages, which appear to help smokers butt out. Find out more.)  Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.