Amid the heated debates over the pros and cons of Obamacare, whether companies with religious objections must cover all birth control methods for their employees, and legislation in some states that limited reproductive health care access, 2014 was still a year of some pretty awesome health innovations, decisions, and breakthroughs. Raise a glass to the eight wins recapped below.

  1. CVS ditched cigarettes.In September, CVS became the first national drugstore chain to remove all tobacco products from store shelves—leaving 7,700 fewer places to purchase cancer sticks. Their commitment to helping customers live nicotine-free went even further: CVS put together their own smoking cessation program and kicked off a campaign to encourage people to give up the habit for good.
  2. The Ice Bucket Challenged put money in the bank for ALS research.Proof social media is good for more than just catching up on celeb gossip and posting food snaps: Last summer’s Ice Bucket Challenge raised major bucks for the study of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, ALS is a lethal neurodegenerative illness that strikes seemingly without warning and has no cure. As of the end of November, the Ice Bucket Challenge has netted more than $115 million for ALS research. We hope 2015 brings more social media-inspired campaigns to raise awareness—and research dollars—for deserving health causes. This content is imported from youTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.Watch on
  3. The NIH fought gender bias in medical research.Medical studies have traditionally included more male study subjects, partly because researchers felt that the female hormonal cycle might skew study results. The hormone excuse can’t be used any longer: In September, NIH doled out $10 million in grant money to fund medical trials that include more women. (Check back soon for more on different ways some of the research released this year has been biased against women.)
  4. Generic Plan B was made available OTC.Plan B One-Step hit store shelves in August 2013, but this year, the FDA made generic versions of the emergency contraception available with no proof-of-age restrictions. What that means? More access to the birth control for more women across the country—pretty huge.
  5. Egg freezing become an insurance benefit.Female Apple and Facebook employees had a new perk added to their insurance plans recently: Both companies will pay for them to freeze their eggs, it was announced in October. Because egg freezing is extremely costly and can give women more control over their lives, the coverage change has been hailed as a breakthrough for women. (Also worth noting: Others have criticized it as a move designed to keep young female employees from taking time off to have kids in their prime work and childbearing years.)
  6. A California city passed the first soda tax.On Election Day, Berkeley, California, became the first city to pass a soda tax. The new legislation will slap a penny-per-ounce tax on non-alcoholic, non-dairy drinks that have added sugar (such as soda, sports beverages, sweetened iced tea, and energy drinks), according to USA Today. Proponents of the tax believe it will help make a dent in the consumption of sugary beverages, which has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and a higher stroke risk.
  7. Restaurants and concession stands must post calorie counts.Next year, you won’t be able to pretend you had no idea that bucket of goopy movie-theater popcorn is loaded with calories. Under a newly finalized FDA rule, chain restaurants, vending machines, and theater and amusement park snack stands must post the calorie counts of their food offerings on menus or menu boards. The new rule has its limitations: It exempts independent eateries, bars, and grocery stores, and nutritional info beyond calorie counts doesn’t have to be displayed (but must be made available in writing upon request). Food establishments have a year to comply.
  8. Medical devices lost their stigma.When Miss Idaho Sierra Sandison strode out onto an Atlantic City stage during the Miss America pageant in September wearing a bikini and her insulin pump, it may have been the final nail in the coffin for the idea that medical gear must be hidden from public view (she went on to win the pageant). Sierra’s move came on the heels of one model’s viral selfie, which showed off her bikini-clad body and colostomy bag—sending the message that a chronic condition such as Crohn’s Disease isn’t something to hide or feel ashamed of. The article “The 8 Most Major Health Victories of 2014” originally ran on MORE: 10 Cancer Symptoms Most People Ignore