Ashley’s answer: Did your endocrinologist say to specifically avoid “soy lecithin”, or were you told to limit or avoid soy and given a paper that mentioned soy lecithin? The great soy debate wages on, but there’s one thing we’re clear about: soy contains many many health benefits when it is farmed organically. (That means non-GMO, a key distinction in the soy world since more than 90 percent of soy in the US is genetically engineered.) Whole food soy can be part of a nutritious healthy diet for most people. The thyroid issue is an interesting one that we’re only just beginning to understand. It’s a good idea for all of us—but especially those with hypothyroid issues—to avoid mono-eating and drinking soy (which means having it more than once or twice daily.) And everyone should completely avoid the chemically farmed, GMO-seed kind of soy. Consume other beans and vegetarian whole protein sources like hemp hearts and quinoa. But I digress. Soy lecithin is only a small part of a soybean that is used as an emulsifier (which makes things like your chocolate blend together nicely) and a stabilizing agent in food products. It actually should pose very little risk to your thyroid and skin.  That said, the best thing for you is to rely on whole food forms of foods to consume versus packaged pieces and parts. But for most, it’s unnecessary to avoid soy lecithin.
 Chewing over a food quandary? Send it to Ashley Koff is a registered dietitian, Qualitarian, nutrition expert, and