Ashley’s answer: I’m always skeptical when a whole food group, like dairy, is linked to something so broad as skin breakouts. Yes, research has linked dairy—specifically milk, chocolate milk, sherbet—to skin breakouts, even more so than the fatty foods we used to blame. Yet on further review, the research now looks at whether that dairy is fat free or retains its naturally occurring fats when determining potential to cause breakouts. What this research actually points to is that while we thought fat to be the issue, it’s more likely the sugar in dairy that’s causing or contributing to your breakouts.Remember milk is a sugar—and if you are eating yogurt with fruit already added, it will contain even more sugar. While dairy may be exacerbating your skin problems, they more than likely started deeper in you, at your core. Do you also suffer digestive challenges like bloating, gas, constipation, or a blend of all three? Do you have a history of taking antibiotics—maybe ear or throat or sinus infections (even as far back as when you were a child)? Did you take birth control for over a year? All of these things can reduce the amount of good bacteria in your digestive tract and allow bad bacteria to multiply beyond a healthy level. When this happens it will negatively affect your digestive system and you are more likely to have skin breakouts as well. So can you ever have dairy again? First, focus on quality. It should be organic to remove factors like hormones and antibiotics. Second, it should be as close to its original state (lowfat or full-fat) as well as plain (no added fruit or sweeteners). Third, make sure to control for portion size as too much dairy fat can be pro-inflammatory. Fourth, dairy can cause extra mucus that traps bad bacteria (the cause of most breakouts), so I would not recommend consuming it regularly while your skin heals. So for now, accessorize with dairy—a pinch of raw goat’s or sheep’s milk cheese on a salad—or replace it for awhile with avocado on tacos or chopped nuts on a soup.  
 Chewing over a food quandary? Send it to More from Prevention: Ashley Koff is a registered dietitian, Qualitarian, nutrition expert, and