The research: The two studies—one from the University of Maryland and another, larger study published in the New England Journal of Medicine—independently pinpointed the genetic mutation. For those who carry the gene (roughly one out of every 150 people), the risk for coronary heart disease drops by about 40%, according to the larger of the two studies.  The mutation lowers the amount of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in your blood, explains Sekar Kathiresan, MD, director of preventative cardiology at Massachusetts General Hospital, who helped conduct the larger study. Kathiresan says these lipoproteins “stick” to the artery walls of your heart, which can lead to blockages and heart attacks. So a genetic defense against triglycerides and their lipoprotein buddies is great for your heart, his research suggests.  MORE: Triglycerides: The Sneakiest Heart Risk What it means: “This mutation teaches us that blocking the APOC3 gene will reduce a person’s risk for heart attack,” Kathiresan says, naming the exact gene his study helped uncover. Here’s why that’s important: Eventually, researchers may be able to use this information to develop new heart medications and treatments, Kathiresan explains.   The bottom line: Those new heart treatments are at least a few years away. Also, it’s not practical to test everyone for the gene mutation, since knowing about it wouldn’t change a doctor’s recommendations regarding your heart health, Kathiresan says. For now, maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, and decreasing your carbohydrate intake are all proven ways to limit your body’s triglyceride levels, he adds. MORE: How to Find Out Whether Your Triglyceride Levels Are Normal