But at least a third of all cancer cases are actually preventable, according to the World Health Organization. And with an estimated 1,658,370 new cases expected to be diagnosed this year (not including basal cell or squamous cell skin cancers, since they’re not required to be reported to cancer registries), that means more than 500,000 of them could be avoided. And not by a stroke of good luck, but by taking concrete preventive steps to protect yourself. Here, 8 types of cancer estimated to be preventable one third of the time or more, plus how to keep yourself healthy.  Cervical cancer The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that some 93% of cervical cancers are preventable, thanks to the human papillomavirus vaccine and Pap screening, which detects abnormal cells that may develop into cancer. A recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that the new 9-valent HPV vaccine alone could prevent 80% of cervical cancers if given to all children around age 11 or 12. “If we can give the vaccine to young girls before they get exposed to the types of HPV that cause cancer, then they won’t become infected and thus they shouldn’t develop cervical cancers,” says Therese Bevers, MD, medical director of the Cancer Prevention Center at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. MORE: 10 Things To Never Say To Someone With Cancer Lung cancer About 70% of lung cancer can be attributed to smoking alone, according to the World Health Organization. “Don’t smoke, and quit if you do,” Bevers says, but also limit your exposure to second-hand smoke. Thankfully, with more and more laws prohibiting smoking in bars, restaurants, and even in public parks, many of us are shielded from secondhand smoke most places we go. But working in a bar or a restaurant exempt from no-smoking laws could significantly increase your exposure, she says. Mouth and throat cancers The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) estimates 63% of mouth, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers could be prevented by making some simple lifestyle changes, predominantly by limiting your alcohol intake, says Alice G. Bender, RDN, associate director of nutrition programs at the AICR. Alcohol is a known carcinogen that’s been linked to a number of cancers, she says, so sticking to a moderate 1 drink or less a day (or 2 or less for men) is a smart way to reap the known health benefits of booze without majorly upping your cancer risk.  MORE: 6 Sneaky Signs You Drink Too Much Esophageal cancer Cancer of the esophagus could also be prevented 63% of the time, according to the AICR. One of the main factors in a person’s risk of one of the major types of esophageal cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma, is obesity, Bender says; obesity nearly doubles the risk of a person at a healthy weight. That’s due in part to the chronic inflammation caused by excess body fat, which can lead to insulin resistance and stimulate the growth of cells. The more cells, the more opportunity for some to mutate and for cancer to develop, she says, leading to a number of types of cancers. Experts don’t yet fully understand why this seems to be particularly true in the case of esophageal adenocarcinoma. (Obesity doesn’t seem to affect risk for the other major type of esophageal cancer, esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma.) However, we do know that overweight and obese people have a higher risk of the acid reflux condition GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disorder, and that people with GERD have a higher risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma, too. In fact, 2010 research found that people who dealt with GERD symptoms at least weekly had five times the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma compared to people with no GERD symptoms. And for people with daily symptoms, that risk jumped seven times higher than people with no symptoms. Aside from maintaining a healthy weight, Bender says limiting alcohol intake, quitting smoking, and eating more fruits and veggies can also help. A largely plant-based diet seems to lower risk for a number of types of cancer, according to Bevers. Endometrial cancer14 walking workouts that blast fat and boost energy The 59% of endometrial cancer cases that are preventable are also likely due to excess body fat. After menopause, those extra pounds may also be producing more estrogen, which could lead to this type of cancer, Bender says. A diet high in refined carbs has also been linked to endometrial cancer, so cutting back on sugary drinks and white flour can help keep you healthy. Physical activity has also been shown to be particularly beneficial in the case of endometrial cancer. Bender recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day, and ideally up to 60. “Even if people don’t lose weight by exercising, they still have a lower risk of developing certain cancers,” says Bevers. That may be because exercise reduces those same insulin growth factors that can stimulate cancer cells. (Give these a try.) Colorectal cancers “The gastrointestinal system has the most exposure to anything carcinogenic that you put into your body,” Bender says, so alcohol is a big reason 50% of colorectal cancers are preventable, according to the AICR. Eating too much red or processed meat has also been linked to this type of cancer, she says. Research suggests red meat’s heme iron, a type of iron found only in animal protein, may cause damage to cell walls in the GI tract that could lead to cancer. Additives like nitrates and nitrites in processed meats seem to be detrimental as well, although the exact reason why isn’t totally understood, Bender says. Aim to keep red meat consumption under 18 ounces a week, and save processed picks like hot dogs for special occasions only, like your annual trip to the ballpark, she says. Regular screening with colonoscopy is crucial as well, Bevers says. “We know that most colon cancers arise from a polyp. Not all polyps will become colon cancer, but we don’t know which ones will and which ones won’t,” she says. “If a polyp is seen during a colonoscopy and removed, we can help you better understand your risk for future polyps, which may change how often you should be screened.” MORE: This Is What It’s Like To Be In A Cancer Clinical Trial Breast cancer Around 33% of breast cancer cases are preventable, according to the AICR. Again, limiting alcohol is a smart move, as it increases breast cancer risk both before and after menopause, Bender says. Women who choose to breastfeed also seem to benefit from some breast cancer protection, and post-menopausal women in particular should try to avoid excess pounds and hit the gym regularly. With 10 different types of cancer linked to being overweight or obese, Bender says, “staying a healthy weight is the most important thing people can do to keep their risk for cancer lower, other than smoking.” MORE: 10 Cancer Symptoms Most People Ignore Skin cancer Grumble if you must as you apply and reapply your sunscreen, but avoiding exposure to harmful UV rays could prevent more than 3 million cases of skin cancer a year, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. (Of course, that means staying away from artificial sources of UV rays, too, like tanning beds.) However, Bevers says, roughly 80% of your harmful sun exposure probably occurred already—before you reached full adulthood—so there’s not always much you can do to reverse the damage. That said, it’s still important to use sunscreen regularly and to wear wide-brim hats that protect not just your face but your neck and ears too, and to avoid being outside when the sun is most intense, typically from around 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.