How it’s made: Hempeh is essentially tempeh, or fermented soybeans, without the soy. “We take organic legumes like black beans and peanuts, cook them, add raw hemp seeds and a Rhizopus culture—a type of healthy fungus—and then allow it to incubate for 24 to 48 hours,” says Sarah Yancey, co-creator, along with husband Chad Oliphant, of Hempeh, the recent offering from Ashville, North Carolina-based Smiling Hara Tempeh. “During this time, the proteins are predigested and broken down into simple amino acids that the body can easily use.” The perks: This no-meat has mega protein—about 20 g per serving. And like soy-based foods and animal products, it’s a complete protein, meaning it contains all essential amino acids. But there’s another benefit that tofu and animal protein don’t have: During Hempeh’s fermentation process, a healthy fungus layer forms over the beans and hemp (this is totally naturally and doesn’t interfere with taste) that provides you with a dose of vitamin D, just like mushrooms do—a huge plus, considering fungus is one of the only natural dietary vegan source of vitamin D. (See how important D is with The 10 Worst Things That Happen When You’re Low On Vitamin D.) The taste: Disclaimer: I’m a self-proclaimed bacon enthusiast, and I loved this. Hempeh is currently made in two flavors—black bean and peanut. In truly unimpressive culinary fashion, I sautéed strips of the peanut Hempeh in avocado oil and a splash of vegetable broth along with some broccoli. The result: A dish with subtly peanut-y flavor (a la Thai food) and a satisfying texture that was much firmer than tofu. MORE: 23 Ways To Eat Clean Why you should try it: Soy, found in tofu, tempeh, and many packaged foods, is one of the top eight most common allergens, according to the FDA, and most soybeans (unless they’re organic) are genetically modified, says Jennifer McDaniel, RD, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  Soy products also contain isoflavones—compounds capable of exerting estrogen-like effects on the body, so there has been some concern regarding the potential health risks of soy products for women with a history of estrogen-related cancers. Most research shows that these women can safely eat one to two servings of soy products per day, but it’s always good to diversify your protein sources. When you can snag some: Later this year, for about $5 per 6-oz pack, Yancey estimates. After a successful crowd-funding campaign last November, Smiling Hara raised enough funds to ramp up production and send out samples to its backers. The plan is to grow even more and have it in Southeast retailers by late 2015 and expand from there. MORE: 13 Vegetarian Dinners That Aren’t Boring