Try something new. It’s human nature to get comfortable with what you know and get in the habit of doing the same exercises over and over—but your body responds to change. Use spring to venture out and try something new, such as going for a hike, walking a new trail, taking up jogging, or getting your family outside for a bike ride. On those inevitable rainy spring days, try a new class like yoga, Pilates, spinning, or Zumba. You really don’t know what you might enjoy until you try it. Plus, when you try something new and love it—your happiness soars. (Have you tried my Two Week Total Body Turnaround DVD?)   More from Prevention: Your Spring Training Walking Routine   Freshen up your food thinking. Diets based on deprivation usually end up in disaster. After all, the best way to create a craving is to tell yourself you can’t have it! Instead of making pledges to avoid certain foods, focus on portion control. Dying for a fresh chocolate chip cookie? Eating a whole bag of fat free cookies instead doesn’t do you any good. Instead of eating what you think you should, try eating what you’re hungry for in smaller portions.  Busy doesn’t mean active. Being busy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being active. With work, parenthood, bill paying, carpooling, laundry, etc., it’s easy to justify skipping your workout, but don’t do it! Find ways throughout your day to move your body more, even if you can only do 10 minutes at a time. Try weight training in your living room; short exercise videos; jumping jacks or squats; use the stability ball while watching TV; or take the dog for an extra walk. Any movement is good movement. Spring clean your workouts. If you’re familiar with spring cleaning, you know how cleaning out and organizing can boost your mood and make you feel ready for a new start. You can do the same with your fitness. Put all of your workout clothes and shoes in a designated place. Freshen up your workout wardrobe with some bright colors to feel energized. (I saw a hot pink and bright orange workout top yesterday and I couldn’t stop looking at it–I wanted to buy it and go workout!) Designate a space in your home for fitness, and invest in your health by purchasing some new equipment. Many products that can benefit your health aren’t expensive: Buy a set of hand weights, a yoga mat, a fitness DVD, resistance bands, or a jump rope. When you have items that support your health, it’s a constant reminder to get some exercise when you can. And what’s more important than investing in your own health? More from Prevention: Power Walks That Blast Fat