For faster results… Take a brisk 30-minute walk 5 days a week to burn fat and tone up. Even better, climb hills or some stairs along the way (try this 10-minute stair workout for more toning). Leg ArcA. B.  Lie on left side, propped up on left elbow. Keep left leg on floor and extend right leg in front of you with toe-touching floor. Keeping abs tight and torso and left leg still, raise right leg in an arc up over body, as shown. Rotate leg and lower it behind you, so leg is parallel to floor. Hold for a second, then reverse move to starting position. Do 10 times with each leg. MORE: Your 5-Minute Routine For Killer, Ageless Arms Leg CirclesA. B.  Kneel on left knee with left foot behind you. Place left hand on floor beneath left shoulder and extend right leg so pointed toes touch floor. With torso still and abs tight, raise right leg parallel to floor and circle forward six times, keeping movement small. Then reverse motion. Switch sides and repeat with left leg. MORE: 4 Exercises For A Firmer Butt Hip Stretch Too much sitting can tighten hips and lead to knee or back aches. To stay loose and pain free, practice this stretch daily. Cross right foot in front of left and reach right arm overhead. Taking a deep breath, gently lean to left, pressing right hip out to side so you feel a stretch down the outside of leg. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on opposite side.