1. How positive thinking can heal Giffords faced scary odds from the start: Only 5% of those who suffer a gunshot wound to the head survive. As Giffords hit milestone after milestone—from regaining her motor skills to learning how to speak—it was clear something else was at work: Her constant conviction that life would return to normal. Even in her resignation, her optimistic attitude prevailed: “My spirit is high. I will return and we will work together for Arizona and this great country.”  [sidebar]
  2. The importance of a good support system Research shows that caring, supportive family and friends are an important part of the recovery process. Her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, and his two daughters have served as Giffords’ pillars of strength. Kelly monitored his wife’s progress with the same diligence he employs as a flight commander—spending hours at his wife’s bedside studying progress reports and helping her with daily therapeutic exercises. Even President Obama publicly commented on Kelly’s efforts as an example of hope in the face of tragedy.
  3. Knowing your limits Giffords returned to Congress just seven months after being shot in the head, a testament to her quick recovery and political priorities, and a move that earned the country’s admiration. But after several months of working, Giffords had to make the difficult decision that going back to her job in public office wasn’t worth the risk to her health. 
  4. How to leave on a high note On the same day as her official resignation, Giffords introduced her last bill to Congress, a bill proposing to increase US authority on cross-border drug trafficking. The verdict? Giffords was able to accomplish something political leaders have been working on for years: Unite a perpetually divided Congress. They passed her bill with a vote of 408-0.