The study, published in the JAMA Internal Medicine, divided 194 African American women into two groups. One group was given weight loss advice and counseling, while the other group was counseled on maintaining their weight. After 12 months, the weight loss group continued to gain while the maintenance group maintained. After 18 months, same story. Why? “The maintenance principles apply much more widely,” says lead author Gary Bennett, PhD, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience and global health at Duke. Plus, maintenance feels much more doable: Cutting calories on a weight loss plan involves subtracting 500 calories a day, Dr. Bennett points out, which is a significant amount. “But most people can find ways to subtract 100 to 200 calories a day,” he says. To help stop a weight gain, immediately limit your consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, says Dr. Bennett. “Most people know about soda, but many women drink a glass of juice each day or a coffee beverage full of sugar.” Also bring snacks with you to work each day to avoid temptations at the office, and limit the time you spend sitting in front of your TV. Dr. Bennett also recommends giving fast food restaurants a wide berth—yes, you can get a salad, but how often does that realistically happen?  By changing your weight strategy, you may feel more in control. Then, the tools that helped you maintain may only need small tweaks to help you lose weight when you’re ready. More from Prevention: What’s Missing From Your Weight Loss Plan