The research: Researchers at Deakin University in Australia reviewed 16 studies from around the world and found evidence linking personality traits to dietary intake. Specifically, those who were “open” and “conscientious” eat more fruits and veggies, and they also avoid unhealthy habits like binge drinking, smoking, and not wearing seat belts. What it means: “Personality affects everything we do,” says Michael Mantell, senior fitness consultant for behavioral sciences for the American Council on Exercise. People who are open, says Mantell, tend to be imaginative, curious, and attentive to their inner feelings. Conscientiousness, he says, describes people who are careful, vigilant, highly organized, efficient, and self-disciplined. So it makes sense that both traits would be linked to healthy habits. However, says Mantell, the study found no long-term association between those two personality traits and adherence to dietary intake, a crucial aspect to successful weight management. In other words, while these personality traits can be a good start, they’re not a guaranteed solution. “Remember,” Mantell says, “anyone can eat a piece of fruit or some veggies and stay with a healthy eating plan for awhile.” But as he points out, “It’s the stick-to-it that makes weight management successful.” The bottom line: If you want to motivate yourself to start eating healthy and you don’t feel particularly open or conscientious, Mantell says those traits can be developed. To work on being more open, keep a journal and write freely about anything—the point is to open yourself up and experience the freedom of thought. As for exerting your conscientiousness, Mantell suggests a more targeted approach: Consider the value of being organized in terms of how you think about healthy eating. Specifically, he says, think about this: “In what ways would it be good for you to maintain a healthy diet plan? If you decide to eat healthier, how would you go about it? What would be good for you to be more vigilant about in the way you eat?” The more you think about these issues, says Mantell, the more likely you’ll be to start developing healthy eating patterns.   More from Prevention: What To Say To Yourself To Stop A Binge