When study participants performed strenuous computer tasks and then went to the gym, they felt fatigued earlier in the workout than when they watched a documentary before their sweat session. The interesting part: Researchers discovered that when participants were tired, their muscles were still able to produce the same force as in the other session—they just felt like their muscles were more fatigued. That doesn’t necessary mean your workout won’t suffer. Crunching numbers for 3 hours straight may lead you to quit your reps too soon. Keep a training log to remind yourself what you did last workout and what you’re capable of. You can also try warming up an extra 5 to 10 minutes to unravel, says Matthew Stults-Kolehmainen, PhD, a clinical faculty member at the Yale Stress Center. If you’re still feeling drained, dial down the intensity. “Maintaining one’s exercise habits is important and giving up a routine may add stress in itself,” Dr. Stults-Kolehmainen says.  Still need an extra brain boost? Carry a Gatorade with you to the gym. Researchers in England found that the strange act of swishing sports drinks helps fight off mental fatigue. More from Men’s Health: This Is Your Brain On Exercise