How you consume your food may determine how much you consume, finds a recent study. Researchers from Maastricht University in Denmark recruited 20 healthy volunteers and split them into three groups. After an overnight fast, the first group was given whole pieces of apple, apricot, and banana, along with a glass of water. The second group got the exact same meal, only this time, the fruit and water arrived pureed and served in a bowl with a spoon. The third group received the same fruit-and-water puree in a glass, forcing them to drink their meal. The first two groups reported feeling similar levels of hunger satisfaction. But the third group—the meal drinkers—reported feeling less full, and had a 40% greater desire to eat more than the other two groups.    So what’s going on here? For one thing, speed. Those who drank their meals finished a little faster than the fork-and-spooners. That’s because the act of chewing, or of taking in individual spoonfuls of food, slows down the process. And eating slowly may be one of the keys to feeling full after a meal, explains study author Mieke Martens, PhD. She points out that another Danish study found that people who eat slowly consume 24 percent less food than those who eat quickly. The actual time the food spends in your mouth may also be a factor when it comes to how full you feel, she says.   Here’s what this means for your waistline: Meals that you drink, like shakes or smoothies, can leave you feeling hungry (and more likely to snack) if you consume them too quickly. Slow yourself down by taking in your smoothie via small sips or with a spoon, says Martens. Try to make your smoothie last for at least 15 minutes. If you find it hard to slow your shake guzzling—but still like the convenience factor of a smoothie—try swapping in hard-boiled eggs, dry cereal, tuna, or Greek yogurt, says Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, assistant director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. Each of these foods is high in protein, which multiple studies have found is superior to fat or carbohydrates when it comes to quelling hunger, she says. Cereals like Grape Nuts and Shredded Wheat also contain lots of fiber—another proven hunger blocker.      More from Prevention: 11 Ways to Cut Calories At Lunch