How did these toxic skin treatments make it onto shelves in the first place? In a word, illegally. “Many of these products are coming into the country through channels we can’t easily track, such as international mail and personal baggage,” says Gary Coody, the national health fraud coordinator for the FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs.  Mercury is used in skin creams because it’s an effective skin lightener: When applied to the skin, it deactivates the enzymes that produce melanin, or pigment. But prolonged exposure to the toxin can damage kidneys, interfere with the nervous system, and cause developmental issues in unborn or young children, according to the FDA. 

Right now, the agency lists mercury as a restricted ingredient—meaning it can be used only under certain conditions, in low concentrations, and only when another ingredient cannot be used instead. Unfortunately, that can’t be easily enforced when it comes to foreign-made products, like the ones slipping under the radar. 

Here are 4 tips to keep your medicine cabinet contraband-free:  Check the labels. If you see the words “mercurous chloride,” “calomel,” “mercuric,” “mercurio,” or “mercury” stop using it immediately. If there’s no label or ingredients listed on the container or box, walk away. Federal law requires that ingredients be listed on the label or box of any cosmetic or drug.  Watch your language. Don’t use products labeled in languages other than English unless English labeling is also provided. Do your research. Go online and read reviews of past buyers for warning signs. Many consumers will be vocal about a bad experience, so do your homework. Be especially careful online. Make sure you’re only e-buying from sellers within the United States. 

Also see: New Natural Skin Treatments, Smart Places To Store Beauty Products, Foods For Beautiful Skin