Photo by Jonathan Chapman Chris Wookey from Watertown, SDStarted at: age 40 Been at it: 4 years Pounds lost: 50 “To say learning to run was challenging is an understatement: I started in the dead of a South Dakota winter, carrying 50 extra pounds. I’d tried to lose weight and get in shape before, but this time it was different. When I turned 40, it was like I woke up and clearly saw my life for the first time. I had a wonderful husband, two amazing sons…but I wasn’t happy. Something had to change, and I knew it had to start with my weight. Every day I’d climb on the treadmill and push myself to go just a little farther. At first, my goal was to run a quarter mile without stopping. Then it was a half mile, then a mile, and soon it was warm enough for me to take my runs outside. It was always hard work, but once I got through that first mile, it was like my body turned on autopilot and I could just—go. The weight’s been gone a long time, but the lightness I found from running is a different sort. With nothing more than my breath and the beat of the music, I find peace—a moment to just be. And that’s enough to get me out there any day.” —Chris Wookey   Photo by Ben Sklar Debbie and Bill Gelber from Lubbock, TXStarted at: age 40; 50 Been at it: 5 years Pounds lost: 55; 80 “It started with a promise: Every night after work, we’ll go to the gym. At first, walking on the treadmill with 30-second jogging bursts was all I could do, and Bill’s knees were so sore that he stuck to the elliptical. But as my body warmed to the mileage, increasing my distance became a fun challenge. I joined a local running club, and before I knew it, I was training for a 5K, then a 10K, and soon half- and full marathons. Seeing how much I loved it, Bill trained behind my back with the help of a physical therapist. At my ninth race, he surprised me by showing up with a bib number pinned to his shirt. Since then, we’ve trained as a team. When we crossed the finish line of Bill’s first half-marathon together, holding hands, the pride I felt was overwhelming. Running has brought us more than just health. It’s introduced us to new friends and inspired us to travel—to date, we’ve completed a total of 81 races. And when life gets tough, now we know we’re strong enough to get through it. We’re runners, after all.” —Debbie Gelber MORE: Avoid These 3 Common Eating Mistakes Runners Make   Photo by Thomas Chadwick Janis Noone from Naperville, ILStarted at: age 60 Been at it: nearly 2 years Pounds lost: 59 “After years of taking care of my family and working 12- to 14-hour days managing an intensive care unit, I was stressed out and 50 pounds overweight, and I felt like somebody had stamped O-L-D across my forehead. Fed up with putting myself last, I decided that 2013 would be my year for change. First step: Get back in shape. I’d heard that Orangetheory Fitness, a national gym that mixes treadmill or row-ring intervals with strength training, had just opened in my area, so I decided to give it a shot. It nearly killed me, but the high was so out of this world that I kept going back. I’d never realized it was possible to feel that good. Soon I was so hooked that my trainers gave me a nickname: Jan-imal. Even hip surgery couldn’t keep me away for very long. Little by little, as the pace of my walking intervals increased, I could do something that honestly shocked me: run. Sure, it’s more of a slow jog with some walking sprinkled in, but I’ve learned that getting fit is a journey. And mine is far from over.” —Janis Noone   Now it’s your turn. Whether you’ve never been a runner or it’s been a while since your feet ate asphalt, you’re only a few weeks away from discovering—or perhaps rediscovering—what only a run can bring. Get the free week-by-week schedule that’ll get you running comfortably in 5 weeks.