Think veggies take too long to cook? Find them bitter or boring? We took five of America’s favorite vegetables (plus five others you and your kids are going to love) and made them tastier and a snap to prepare. POTATOESSpuds with skin are packed with vitamin C and are one of the best sources of potassium and fiber. They can be low cal: A plain baked potato has only 140 calories. Trouble is, we love to fry them or load them with sour cream, butter, or gravy. Make them healthy:Veggie baked potato Scoop out the flesh of a baked potato and mash with steamed broccoli and 1% cottage cheese to add protein and calcium (but few calories). Stuff filling back into the skin. Mayo-free potato salad Toss steamed, quartered new potatoes with steamed green beans; add honey mustard mixed with a bit of olive oil to make an easy side dish. Pasta, potato-style Pick up some gnocchi (a pasta made from potatoes) in the refrigerated section of the grocery store. Cook according to package instructions and add pesto sauce and steamed peas. A serving of gnocchi contains about 4 ounces of potatoes. Or try… CAULIFLOWERIt’s a natural substitute for potatoes because it shares the same hearty texture. Nuke and puree it and use as a creamy base for soup, or coat florets with olive oil and curry powder and roast. [pagebreak] CARROTS These crunchy root vegetables are vitamin A powerhouses, but they’re typically served raw or steamed—in other words, bland and uninspired.  Make them tasty:Power sandwich Spread whole wheat bread with peanut butter and top with raisins and shredded carrots for an interesting crunch and a hint of sweetness. Honey carrots Boil baby carrots until just tender. Add a dab of butter and honey to make a kids-pleasing classic. Low-fat fries Using regular or multicolored carrots (available in red, white, yellow, and purple at natural food stores), slice lengthwise and coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast in a 425°F oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Or try… BUTTERNUT SQUASHLike carrots, this yellow-orange veggie becomes sweeter when cooked. Roast and toss in soups, pastas, and stews. Or puree it and season with cinnamon and maple syrup for a delicious side. [pagebreak]  TOMATOESTomatoes are our most common source of lycopene, an antioxidant that may protect against heart disease and breast cancer. But we generally eat them in the form of sugar-loaded jarred spaghetti sauce or a use only a thin slice in a sandwich.  Make them dazzling:Tomato tower Stack slices of tomatoes with thin slices of fresh mozzarella and fresh basil. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. (Try orange tomatoes, found in gourmet grocery stores: Their lycopene is more easily absorbed than the red variety’s.) Roasted tomato-topped chicken Quarter plum tomatoes and coat with olive oil, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Roast in a 400°F oven for 20 minutes. Serve over grilled chicken breasts. Southwestern rice Toss canned diced tomatoes and mild canned chile peppers with instant brown rice, and cook. Add shredded cheese. Or try…  RED BELL PEPPERSOne bell pepper packs more than 100% of your daily dose of vitamin C; in texture and color, the red or orange varieties are good tomato alternates. Roast and puree for a tangy pasta sauce, stuff with sautéed ground turkey and bake, or sub slices for chips with dip. [pagebreak] BROCCOLI The antioxidants in these vegetables may prevent colon and lung cancer–and its calcium is more easily absorbed than the calcium from milk, so it’s a natural bone builder. But we usually serve this veggie raw (a major turnoff for most kids) or, even worse, overcooked to an unappetizing olive hue.  Make it kid friendly: Guilt-free dips Microwave broccoli florets and cool. Serve with low-fat ranch dressing or protein-rich hummus for adults or kids with more sophisticated tastes. Pasta primavera Mix microwaved florets with cooked penne pasta, sautéed chicken tenders, marinara sauce, and a dash of red-pepper flakes. Super salad Microwave florets and cool. Combine with halved grape tomatoes, lemon juice, and olive oil—the healthy fat helps your body absorb more vitamins.  Or try…  ASPARAGUS This broccoli cousin is milder and more pleasant to young palates. Buy several bunches, coat with olive oil, and roast. Leftovers are great hot or cold and can be used in pastas, sandwiches, and salads. [pagebreak]  CORN This whole grain is rich in fiber (1 cup provides nearly 5 g) and contains antioxidants that promote eye health. Unfortunately, we keep serving it the same old way: boiled and boring or slathered in butter.  Make it festive:Polenta parmigiana Cook polenta (made from cornmeal, a more concentrated source of nutrients than fresh corn) according to package directions. Top with marinara sauce and low-fat mozzarella. Spicy chicken salad Combine canned black beans, corn kernels, roast chicken, and scallions. Dress with olive oil, a squeeze of lime, and a dash of chili powder. Creamy corn Mix equal parts frozen corn and canned creamed corn—it’s naturally low in fat but has a consistency kids love. Warm over medium heat and sprinkle with shredded low-fat cheese.  Or try…  PEAS A member of the legume family, peas trump corn in both protein and fiber. Make an easy hummus with frozen baby peas: Cook 1 cup and then puree in a food processor with olive oil and lemon juice. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Or add peas to rice for a hit of color—and a more filling side dish.