“We’ve discovered that your body composition—the percentage of lean muscle mass versus body fat—seems to be a better predictor of longevity than the go-to BMI screening,” says lead researcher Preethi Srikanthan. To start back in on the anti-aging effort, do this circuit from Prevention advisory board member Wayne Westcott. HOW TO DO IT: Using a pair of 5- to 10-pound hand weights, do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each move 3 times a week. DUMBBELL SQUAT Stand with feet hip-width apart, 1 weight in each hand, arms at sides. Bend knees to lower into a squat (shown). Return to start. CHEST PRESS Lie on back, feet flat. Hold weights above chest with arms straight. Lower until elbows touch floor (shown), then press up. 1-ARM BENT-OVER ROW With weight in right hand, lean on chair (shown). Bend elbow and pull dumbbell toward chest. Finish reps, then switch sides.